“If you would have a lovely garden, you should have a lovely life.”
~Shaker Saying
Is your yard an edible arrangement? If it’s not it should be……Below is just a few of the images I see on our Lil’ Suburban Homestead when I walk around. We have much more in addition to what is here. We have blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry bushes. We also have fig trees and an apple tree. Pictured below are our Jerusalem Artichokes, Pear Trees, Red Peppers, Eggplant, and Green Peppers.
Edible gardening is an ancient practice and one that we are all catching onto again. Historically the Persians mixed in edible plants with their ornamental plants as well as 19th Century English gardens and also the early pioneers of my country the United States of America. I love the Edible Garden on BBC which is not available in my area however I watch clips on You Tube….Here is Alys’s plan for her edible garden and she shows you hows it’s possible for you to have an edible garden too! She just has such a passion for edible gardening and its contagious!
Many people also included the medicinal herb garden which is another one of my upcoming blog topics. I will share with all of you pictures of my herb garden and what I have so far and what I am planning for the future. I hope you decide that turning your yard into an edible arrangement is a worthy venture! This blog is part of the Living Well blog hop! Come over and check it out I found some great blogs over there this week!

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