Which phone to get? So many choices yet everyone is getting the Iphone 4s right now……..
I really think I want the Samsung Galaxy Nexus…..I mean I love a good old-fashioned ice cream sandwich anyway. I am going to take a field trip to one of the local phone stores today to help me make up my mind.
Some of you might say I have a good basic phone and it works fine who needs all of those bells and whistles? I have to tell you I am a techie (for those of you who do not know my job is that I am a Technology Coordinator) who loves to use her smart phone. I have had a Blackberry Curve for 21 months and I have loved it! It has just been the best phone ever but here’s the thing its outdated and Google no longer supports blackberry technology and its been acting quirky lately for example my Facebook App is no longer working on it.
My blackberry has helped me to find apple orchards in the middle of nowhere we have used Google Maps on it in a pinch. I have watched movies on the little tiny screen driving down the road…..yes me and my blackberry have had some good times.
I don’t particularly embrace change but since in my job I am constantly rolling out new information that relates to Technology I know I am very good at adapting and being flexible.
I know quite a bit about the Iphone and I love the fact that it has an 8mp camera great for blogging! I like the freedom of a Droid type phone where you don’t have to pay for as many Apps although Apple has a lot of free apps too.
So I finally tell the salesperson I have been working with that I want an Iphone go ahead I’m not sure but I will just take that route and suddenly all my concessions that I had been offered were no longer available….hmmmm that’s interesting….well I wasn’t thinking so he told me he would go ahead and send out my son’s new basic phone and I said okay thats fine whatever I will get back to you on my decision and I realized I had made a decision I was committing to my carrier for another 2 years by signing my son up. So this morning over coffee I was discussing on the phone with my Mom that they did not have my phone readily available and it was on back order so I would not get the concessions I was originally offered etc….I didn’t even tell her that I had already ordered my son’s phone. Since she taught negotiations without knowing the whole story she told me once you tell the cell phone carrier you are going with them you have given your leverage away and I realized by ordering my son’s phone I would have no more leverage at all to get any concessions/deals/promos made for me.
So I called the company and was told as long as I deny shipment and or bring the phone to a manager in the store they will not re-up the contract and I am still in the driver’s seat for now but we all know sooner or later I will make a decision and as soon as I do the Technology I choose will be obsolete.
Decisions. Decisions.
While I am pondering my phone decisions I think I will pack up Christmas!
Happy Pre-New Year!
I have a Samsung, Karen, and as soon as I can I am switching to a Motorola. I have had connection issues and I was told by a sales person who lives in the boonies like I do that she brought each phone home for a few days and the Motorolas had the best connection/antenna for hard to reach spots. I realize you aren’t out like I am, but it is something to keep in mind for when you are camping.
Katherine that is good to know since we have 2 major camping trips scheduled for 2012! Thanks for your input!
I don’t have a cell phone………..
Carol I knew you would weigh in on this one.
I am truly a smart phone addict….once I went Smart there was no looking back for me….
Yah- I guess I am predictable.
No cell service where I live and I refuse to pay that kind of money for a cute gadget I cannot use!! When I go on a long road trip alone(650miles one way, I know the mileage because it is a destination), I put a little time on a track phone, once or twice a year.
No cable or satellite tv either.
My computer bombed a few weeks ago and I was with out for a little over a week while I waited for my son get to get back up and running for me, it was a very freeing thing! I cannot tell you how much I got done when I did not have the computer to occupy my time.
I guess I just haven’t taken the jump and I think I will keep it that way.
I hate my I phone with a white hot heat that rivals the sun’s. The everything button at the bottom only works once in a while so I have to turn the stupid phone off and back on to switch apps. What a pain! I need to take it to an Apple center to deal with it but guess what? None anywhere convenient to me. Argh!
That said, I hate all cell phones (electronic leashes!), but I, too, am a smart phone addict. Dang it!
They are only electronic leashes if you choose for them to be. I have friends who swear my phone is for “decorative purposes only”. By all means, call, but I may not answer. If you are having an emergency and really need me the trick is to immediately call back after it goes to voicemail. Then I know you really need something. Otherwise, leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. Most likely, anyway.
Carol I know what you mean by taking a break from the computer! Grace my phone is on all the time in case my teens need something so I know what you mean….but thanks for the info about the iphone too and Katherine thanks for the info about the Samsung….and yes Katherine I know you don’t always answer your phone