I have been looking for new canisters for my kitchen for ages! I knew I wanted them to be high quality canisters that sealed and wouldn’t just crack under heavy use. I also knew they had to be in the red, green, or blue family because my kitchen tends to be dominated by those colors as I have no particular decor in my kitchen as of yet. I was tired of using these plastic snap containers especially since those get dirty so quick when you are baking etc…..
So as luck would have it when I was out with my Mom while she was visiting we stopped by one of our favorite thrift stores after we got our hair done and sure enough these were there for only $14.95. They were in perfect condition so I picked them up and they are no longer available on the Pfaltzgraff site however they were for sale on ebay for $49.99 so I was pretty pleased with my deal of the day! I love saving some money and finding something so stylish too!
Don’tcha just love it when you find a bargain? Have you found one you would like to share? I would love to hear about it!
How is your Thursday going? We finally got some cool air in here and lots of rain for a nice change although I could do without the lightning personally
Related articles
- Fashion-savvy bargain-hunters hit up Lowcountry’s thrift stores (islandpacket.com)
- Best Thrift Stores in Puget Sound That Do Good (seattle.cbslocal.com)
We are big bargain hunters and always have our radar on looking for something we know we need for our house. We enjoy going through the thrift stores looking for deals and bargains. It’s amazing though that many people feel ashamed to go in these stores because “what if someone sees them”-WHO CARES.. and besides if they see you it must mean they were there as well. The best deals are the ones you find at bargain shops, garage sales, and on freecycle, craigslist and Kijiji. Cheers.. enjoy your cannisters. Mr.CBB
I so agree Mr. CBB! I love Craigslist too I just bought a nice little dimple 9 page shredder for 8 bux instead of paying 29.99 retail….and rs great when you fill a need for alot less money.
these look great. I need some jars like that, too. but I’m going with: “rock what you’ve got” motto and re-using glass jars…

btw, I love thrift stores I actually have one across the street. you reminded me that I should go there and check out what’s new
Ewa I love the idea of rock what you got too but its always fun to explore those shops
it totally is! I need some nice props for making nice sets to photograph my food. I went to Good Will to look for some cups, plates, baskets, wooden cutting board, etc. I couldn’t believe how many nice things I have found. I didn’t buy any because I wanted to re-think what I really need but I feel that pretty soon I’ll be going back there. Now I don’t need them as I’m taking a break from taking pictures (explanation in my new post I’m working on right at this moment)!!!
Ewa I have been thinking through my purchase a lot more lately what I don’t want is more clutter around the house!
it totally is! I need some nice props for making nice sets to photograph my food. I went to Good Will to look for some cups, plates, baskets, wooden cutting board, etc. I couldn’t believe how many nice things I have found. I didn’t buy any because I wanted to re-think what I really need but I feel that pretty soon I’ll be going back there. Now I don’t need them as I’m taking a break from taking pictures (explanation in my new post I’m working on right at this moment)!
On Tuesday, I went to our local garden center with a Groupon: paid $25 for $50 worth of merchandise. They were having a tent sale. I bought a huge bouquet of artificial peonies for my re-decorated family room. The lady told me if I would buy them all she would give me a deal. And she did; she took one-third off the bunch. The arrangement is absolutely gorgeous in my “new” room.
Those flowers you got were really beautiful Mom!
LOVE IT! Never pay retail is not just a motto here, it’s a badge of honor. Great score.
Thanks Anna! I just saw this post somehow it went into my Spam folder……..
Thanks Anna I was excited about them!
I went to the thrift store 2 times this week. We were hunting school clothes. I got a winter coat for my son, jeans that fit him and aren’t worn out, winter clothes for him and one of his sisters, and enough clothes to help them finish out the season. It was great! I did get sticker shock when we checked out. $70–but that was 32 pieces of clothing and 2 pairs of shoes in good condition.
Sounds like you found some great deals Cristy! I have had that sticker shock at thrift stores too!
After I got over what the total was, I was pretty happy with the deals I got. I was especially happy when I comparison priced it to the store we buy the kids new clothing from. Adding that number up made me feel better.
I am a Craigslist junkie! Always good finds on there!