When my husband and I took our Bee Keeping course and we got our Bee Keeping Certifications one of the items that our instructor told us was that people have a very difficult time spotting the queens in their hives. I started practicing in our text-book and I had a pretty good knack at it I think because I am pretty good at spotting patterns this has also helped me in looking at code when I am working on designing websites as well at work.
My husband The Viking in my life was working in his hives today and he got some fabulous pictures of the queen and I thought all of you would enjoy spotting her too!
This is the time of year Bee Keepers in our area really start to get out and look and assess their bees. This past weekend while I was volunteering at our school Spring Fling my husband attended a Bee Keeping Field day with one of our local bee keeping associations. I stress the importance of being part of a Bee Keeping club and networking with other Bee Keepers as it is the best way to stay connected with local Bee Keeping issues and to stay on top of local diseases and information.
Have a great week everyone!
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She is a busy bee, lol!
My husband was thrilled that the queen was doing so well and looked so healthy thanks so much for stopping in
Cool pics! Thanks for sharing!
Lisa Lynn I hope you enjoyed it
Thanks for hopping over here….
I can’t for the life of me spot a queen on a frame full of moving bees. Hubby tries to keep ours marked.
My husband has a knack for it I do great with pictures but wonder if I would do so well if it were moving on a frame in front of me.
Beautiful queen! Love looking for ours in our hives. For the most part I am pretty good at spotting her.
Nancy that is awesome! For now I spot her in pics but my husband is getting me out for training soon we are just waiting for our 2nd jacket to come in the mail and I will let you know if I can spot her in person like you
Not strictly relevant, but the popup thing you have on the left of the page makes your site all but unusable on a phone, since it obscures half the screen, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to dismiss it. Just FYI.
David I changed out my sharing buttons thanks for the update! I was able to see my posts on my phone so I didn’t know give it a whirl and tell me if its any better