My husband the Viking in my life recently spied some swarm cells in one of our hives and he knew it was time to split the hives but due to the fact that we both work full-time and are extremely busy he did not get to the bees in time and they swarmed on us. He was so upset that he did not get to the bees in time to manage them properly and tuck them into a new hive safe and sound.
Fortunately they swarmed close by behind our understanding neighbors’ fence and we stayed in close communication with them through out this event. Communication is key! My husband put out three different hive bodies to use as swarm bait boxes and the scout bees from the swarm luckily chose one of them. Here is the movie (warning it is 8 minutes but you will get to see a magical moment in the life of a beekeeper) of what my husband calls “The Homecoming”….these gals love their new home and even today in the garden I saw them flying to and fro happily collecting pollen and nectar. If you have any questions on how my husband lured the bees in please send them our way he is happy to answer any and all bee-keeping questions for you! He will be posting a beginning Bee Keeping post soon for all of you!
Related Articles:
Can You Spy The Queen?(lilsuburbanhomestead)
The Viking Splits The Hives(lilsuburbanhomestead)
All About Bees – Searching For Queen Cells(lilsuburbanhomestead)
Wow, your husband sure is a warrior. There is no way I would ever be able to do this. Well done.
Mr. CBB he has a lot more dedication than I do thats for sure
How cool! My 15 year old son is the beekeeper in our family. It’s super addicting.
Thanks Angi for coming by! I enjoy the bees in the yard now not at first you have to learn to live with them…my husband seems to really understand them I guess your son would know all about that