I cannot wait to share one of my most very favorite recipes with all of you! As a matter of fact that I cannot believe I have not shared it in the past 3 years with all of you! I am like what is wrong with me??? But I think what happens is that I think I share things with all of you that sometimes I forget to share. Does that ever happen to you? You think you told your husband something but you didn’t…..well I do
Anyways never mind about all of that do you need an easy go to recipe for a part or a special occasion? Do you make apple pie filling like I do every year? Then you need look no further! Also this is a very frugal recipe it will keep some money in your wallet as in my case I had everything on hand to make this recipe but since I purchase the tortillas in bulk at a local warehouse store because my son eats a wrap every day for lunch.
This is the recipe that will fulfill all of the above criteria
Cooking Supplies:
1 13 X 9 cake pan
2 sauce pans
Some stirring utensils
- 1 Can of Apple Pie Filling in my case I use a quart jar of homemade apple pie filling (if you do this see my pics below I add a TBSP. or so of corn starch to thicken it) I do not add corn starch for canning as all canning guidelines recommend you don’t add this until you are about to prepare the apple pie filling
- 6 Flour Tortillas I use the large ones
- Cinnamon – add to taste
- 1 Stick Butter
- 1/2 C. Sugar
- 1/2 C. Dark Brown Sugar
- 1/2 C. water
Before you do anything grease a nice well used cake pan don’t pre-heat your oven yet….wait until you get to the caramel sauce being poured over the apple enchiladas in a little bit….
Next I put my homemade apple pie filling in a sauce pot over medium heat and add a TBSP. or so of corn starch while it’s still cool and stir it in and it will heat up and thicken it will look whitish like this at first if you are using store-bought apple pie filling you can skip this step
Then add the butter, brown sugar, sugar, and water to another sauce pan to essentially make a caramel sauce this happens fast so keep an eye on it….
Once the apple pie filling is ready it will look like this.
Next while the caramel sauce is still cooking you need to put the apple pie filling into each tortilla and roll it up. I sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon on the inside too.
You will keep laying them in the cake pan like so and then I sprinkle cinnamon all over the top you can use more or less depending your love of cinnamon or not. I love cinnamon and even though this is dessert cinnamon has tons of beneficial health properties.
The caramel sauce will look like this or very close to it when its done it does not need to boil long you don’t want it to become actual caramel….(it should not be at a rolling boil for more than 3 minutes)
Now pour this over the apple enchiladas and spread evenly and let sit for about 20 minutes but they can sit as long as 40 minutes. After you pour the sauce preheat your oven to 350 degrees and after they have set bake these for about 20 minutes or until golden. These were a big hit at my friends Memorial Weekend picnic and I served them with whip cream but these go wonderful with vanilla ice cream!
I hope you love this recipe as much as our family does!
Have a beautiful Sunday and Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Related Articles:
An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away & The Winner of our “Lessons From The Beehive Giveaway”(lilsuburbanhomestead)
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Crock Pot Apple Butter Just In Time for Thanksgiving(lilsuburbanhomestead)
Related Pins: Follow Me On Pinterest!
Caramel Apple Dessert Shots
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Have you posted your recipe for apple pie filling? I bet I could do this without the tortilla as an ice cream topper! OR, make homemade cinnamon ice cream with this blended in. Oh, the gluten free ideas abound.
Katherine the apple pie filling is simple its apples, cinnamon, and sugar/honey but that’s a good idea I will post soon!
Oh yes you could so make so may goodies with this filling for sure!
What a great idea! I will definitely try it, I love cinnamon, too!
They are so delicious and I hope you enjoy them as much as our family does
Karen, you always have such lovely recipes. The more i stare at this photo the more I want a knife and fork!!! Thanks for posting this recipe. Don’t forget every Sunday is Frugal Food Sunday on my Facebook page, pop around and share a recipe or any homesteading tips and tricks… gardening.. it’s all about Frugal on Sundays! Cheers
Mr. CBB I am late on this one but I will definitely pop over! Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment
I like these for breakfast! Mmmmm
Wow Michele I never thought to serve them for breakfast…….great idea thanks for sharing!
Dessert tonight! Found you on Pinterest!
Kim! This is a family fave! Let me know what you think!