Last week we dealt with our first heat wave of the season it was quite miserable and I felt sorry for my son who does football conditioning all summer long I actually brought all the boys on his team ice pops last week it was just awful out. I actually felt bad for anyone who had to withstand that miserable heat all day. Well it was the first day of my Mom’s visit and I told her we decided to have a no cook meal for her first night in town and on that note we realized we need to watch our sodium a little more around our lil’ homestead so this chicken salad recipe I am going to share with you has no salt in it and it was amazing!
KarenLynn’s No Cook Menu
Chicken Salad Subs
Balsamic Tomatoes
Tossed Salad
Water w/ lemon
This menu while quite easy to prepare and make and while all ingredients are easy to find had that pizzazz you are looking for when someone special is over for dinner and I really think it comes from the Chicken Salad Recipe and the Balsamic Tomatoes they both lend something special to this no cook meal!
KarenLynn’s Balsamic Tomatoes (so simple to make)
Slice plum tomatoes until you cover the bottom of your dish
Next drizzle balsamic vinegar and olive oil on the tomatoes
Lastly sprinkle Penzey’s Italian Herb Mix On top
That’s it your done now refrigerate them all until dinner time!
I used to add salt and pepper but did not miss the addition of either in this wonderful dish!
In my opinion grapes are completely under rated as a fruit item….sure they are not fancy like mangos or papayas but they are so refreshing and they go great with cheese and almost any meal for that matter. A pleasant addition to any meal but for sure a No Cook Meal.
We are trying to watch our sodium around our lil’ homestead and I came up with a recipe that just worked for our crew and everyone loved it! Another super simple recipe you know how much I love to keep things simple
KarenLynn’s Rockin’ Low Sodium Chicken Salad
6 Chicken Breasts fried in 1 to 2 tsp. olive oil in cast iron skillet over medium heat
You may add pepper to season them in the pan while they are cooking.
Once cooked let cool and in the meantime chop up 2 celery stalks not too fine.
Place chicken breasts in a food processor with about 1/2 to 3/4 C. reduced fat mayonnaise
you may need to add more or less depending on the size of your chicken breasts
Now add 1/2 tsp. thyme, 1 tsp. parsley, and 1 tsp. dill and of course add pepper to taste
Pulse chicken and seasonings in processor until it basically looks kind of pasty
Then place all of the chicken in a bowl and stirl in celery and its ready to serve.
Chill until dinner time!
Of course add more or less of the seasonings to your taste but it was absolutely
AMAZING and delicious!
My son has asked me to keep it stocked in the fridge and that
is the best compliment ever although I don’t think it will stick around long at all.
We also had lemons for our ice water just a nice finishing touch on an already nice and relaxing dinner! I am thinking this meal will become a Summer Tradition in our household. I don’t know about you but I like the idea of eating whole foods for simplicity and good health and once you look at the pictures of this No Cook Meal I know you will agree that these look way better than any fast food store out there and in addition to being healthy this meal was very frugal!
By the way I hope all of you Dad’s had a wonderful Fathers Day and I hope you were celebrated properly. Wishing you all a beautiful week filled with joy and hopefully chicken salad sandwiches
Related Articles:
Short Cut Barbecue Chicken Salad…It’s Easy On The Wallet Too!(lilsuburbanhomestead)
Easy Chicken Curry In A Hurry(canadianbudgetbinder)
I Finally Got A Panini Press(lilsuburbanhomestead)
Related Pins:
Simple & Sublime No Cook Meals
Oh yum! Thanks for sharing!
Please join us again Thursday at:
The HomeAcre Hop
I will definitely try to hop on over there this week with the honey harvest its been busy not too much time for blogging…thanks so much for your comment