Dehydrating Apples….A Delicious, Healthy, Portable Snack

peeling apples on our lil' suburban homesteadWe recently dehydrated our Heirloom Jonathan apples and I must say they are so delicious and crunchy and such a portable food!  I actually cannot keep them stocked in the house this time of year the entire family loves them plus they make amazing Christmas gifts and I also use the smaller dried apple chips in my “Homemade Holiday Granola“.

apples from the mountains of Asheville NC
These are Ole’ Time Jonathon Heirloom Apples and all I can say is “Oh My!”

All you need to dehydrate apples is: apples lemon juice and cinnamon (optional) We of course have an apple peeler as well this makes the job go much faster!  It is worth it to invest in a nice apple peeler don’t go cheap if this is a project you invest time in every year! I simply peel the apples and core them with our peeler, then they sit in the lemon juice and I roll them around in the lemon juice then we cut ours into half slices and lay in the dehydrator and sprinkle the cinnamon on top!  My husband ” The Viking In My Life” often do this project together. apples placed in food dehydrator My son and I are so addicted we pack dried apples almost every day for school and work and I must say they are absolutely delicious!  A bonus is that apples store very well in long term storage or our garage refrigerator. The finished product of dried apples. I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and I hope you are enjoying the 12 days of Christmas I believe tomorrow is the 4th day of Christmas everyone so instead of posting related articles, pins, and Hometalk  posts I am going to share the 12 Homestead Bloggers of Christmas from “From Scratch” magazine! Oh and by the way thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!


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12 thoughts on “Dehydrating Apples….A Delicious, Healthy, Portable Snack

  1. They are really, really good, but you have to learn when to stop. When they are dehydrated you don’t realize how many apples you are eating!

    1. Charlotte this is so true I know I have gone through tons of them before…great for stress eating though at least healthier than chocolate LOL!

  2. We love dehydrated apples. We dip them in pineapple juice instead of lemon juice and it gives them a nice tart kick (and the leftover apple infused pineapple juice is wonderful to drink when the dehydrator is full). We also leave the skin on and dehydrate them until they are crunchy like potato chips. Best snack ever.

    1. Carrie what a great idea about the pineapple juice I will have to try that! I would leave the skins on if I could but my husband’s stomache can’t handle them but your version sounds so delish! Thanks for stopping in!

    1. Just cinnamon…we don’t add sugar at all or its really rare I have to work to keep my blood sugar low but you will find you don’t need it at all they will turn out amazing if they are fairly fresh apples 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!

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