I love planting our seeds this time of year and pouring over the seed catalogues and sifting my hands through the seeds to pick out what I start next this time of year don’t you? At our Lil’ Suburban Homestead I am the seed orderer, swapper, planner, mapper, harvester, and starter. My husband is the maintainer, the labeler, and the propagator for the most part although I rooted some Christmas Cactus today we will see if my husband “The Viking” in my life can coax them to continue.
We share duties such as weeding and watering but I love herbs and vegetables and he loves to make wine with what we grow and he has a penchant for succulents and I love to cook.
We are a great pair but I always think what he does is so much more important in the garden I guess because my husband has a knack for making everything look effortless and today while I was out in the garden I was sweating, lost my balance, and even poked myself with a stick…yes I really did I also love swapping seeds with my gardening friends…in a way I liken it to swapping dreams because we all have our vision of what our abundant and beautiful harvest will look like!
This past Sunday I sadly had to pitch some plants that died in the greenhouse this winter….our heater died and we had a loss before we even knew what happened. For those of us that loves plants this is devastating luckily we didn’t lose all of any variety so that is the good news.
The chickens love it when I go out and work in the garden this time of year because that means treats are on their way to them. They make all sorts of lovely chicken noises to try to get me to come over to the run. Today they were in luck we had a few roots and such they were able to enjoy!
I worked to chop vines off plants to freshen them up and water them to make room for new seedlings that will be planted and housed in the greenhouse for a couple more weeks. Then I planted seeds that were more cold hearty in the garden. I also raked out pine branches and pine straw that landed all over our gardens in the recent ice storm and there was plenty to do and there actually still is. I planted radishes, brussel sprouts, swiss chard, peas, and some beets too!
It was such a beautiful day on Sunday in coastal North Carolina that I had to start my day out on my front porch drinking coffee and then put a roast in the crock pot so I could spend the rest of the day out in the garden. Unfortunately for me the clouds came back and chased me inside with some cool breezes in the late afternoon which was fine with me because I had lunches to make for the week, laundry to do, a book to read, and a paint by number project I am working on…I’m truly never bored.
Are you enjoying planning your garden right now? Are you ready to get out there and dig in the dirt? Do you have bigger plans for your garden this year? I know we do!
Wishing you all good times in your garden as soon as you can get out there if you aren’t out there already! I so enjoyed my time in the garden this past weekend and even spent some time with my son and the chickens too.
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Hi Karen Lynn! Sounds like you have been major busy! And productive! I haven’t planted anything outside yet, but now I think I’ll plant some beets! I was going to wait until fall, but maybe they’ll make it this Spring. That is if I have enough raised beds. Most of them will be taken up with tomato, pepper, and eggplants. Our weather is gradually warming up, so more outside time soon! Have a great weekend! Blessings from Bama!
Hi Bama I probably have over done it lately…nursing a strained muscle in my shoulder today. I love planting tomatoes, peppers and eggplants too! I think beets do well in the Spring let me know what you think I would love to hear
We garden with mostly raised beds too it just works best in this sandy soil! Have a great week!
No, anytime you are gardening and getting things done around the house and yard you are usually too busy to be bored. Good that you did get to spend a little time with your son and the chickens
So true Michelle! Thanks so much for stopping in and have a great day
Thanks Michelle I so agree