Finally a gardening post I was beginning to think with how cold it’s been in North Carolina that I never would get back in the garden! We recently had two 70 degree days but I was at work on both of them and had night time commitments in the evening….so it’s in the 50’s this weekend and I am so excited! It’s a little chilly in Coastal North Carolina but it’s manageable and I decided it was time to really get into the garden for better or for worse so here goes!
We cleaned up some garden beds, we sorted through our seeds to see what we should get going right now. I do like planting everything from seed but nothing will give you a boost of confidence in the garden like seeing some plants thriving while you are waiting on the others. We put some mulch down and well now we wait! This is also a time if you live in a colder climate or want to get some of those seeds that need it a little warmer started you can use your “Hot Bed” or seedling heat mat.… but hot bed sounds more fun 
You can also use your greenhouse have you read about our DIY greenhouse? We built it for under $400! Don’t ever feel like you can’t get your plants started on a budget…it’s possible with some ingenuity but I have to admit the Viking is handy to have around!
;I planted the following in our raised beds:
- Broccoli
- Collards
- Red Sails Lettuce
- Arugula
- Carrots
- Radishes
A nice start if I do say so myself I was also pleased to see our Radiccio, Onions, and Chicory looking so well and ready for another fabulous Spring. In the distance you can see the wreckage of our old stationary chicken coop and The Viking is cleaning up the yard to add the new chicken fence partition….(blog post coming soon!) This is one of my favorite times of the year getting in the garden, putting my hands in the dirt, and planting seeds….I have no idea why I love planting time so much. Most people probably love harvest time the most but planting time is the promise of things to come….sowing seeds and wondering what will come your way and hoping for big beautiful red sails lettuce, orange crunchy carrots, and Arugula the bitter green for some nice contrast in our salads.
Do you have a favorite early spring veggie to plant? I know I can’t just pick one.
My next project is the herb garden? If you don’t know I am a complete herb addict and have been for years; my favorite herbs to grow are:
Lemon thyme
Curly mint
Oh I am sure I will think of more….life without herbs is boring….there will always be herbs and chickens in my life for as long as I am able because I am fairly sure I could live off of herbs and eggs alone.
I used to not be able to handle the wait it was too much for me but now the wait means the promise of fresh wholesome food on the horizon. I don’t know about you but I cannot wait to start eating garden goodness again on a regular basis. Until then I will sip on my coffee, crochet, do some organizing, plan our vacation and I will slowly continue to add items to our edible garden!
Have you made gardening part of your homesteading journey? No matter what time of year it’s not too late to start putting herbs on your windowsill or just a few pots on your porch…you know I love baby steps and I love keeping things simple!
We got our seeds started last weekend in our greenhouse! We planted around 400 corn seeds (3 different kinds), around 200 bush green beans, sweet peas, spinach, lettuce, 2 types of tomatoes, 2 types of cucumbers, onions and several herbs. I am like you in the fact that I love to plant! I went out to the greenhouse yesterday to water and we already have a couple of green bean and peas starting to come up! We use hydroponics for all but the corn. The corn just gets so big so very quickly, that it is too soon for us to transplant them in the garden and we don’t have enough room for it in the greenhouse. I can’t wait to stop buying produce at the store and pick it from the garden!
Tracy that sounds like you have some amazing gardening going on! I am extremely interested in hydroponics too…..I have decided not to grow corn this year because of space on our suburban homestead but I envy you completely
Thanks so much for stopping in and sharing what’s going on at your homestead! I love it!