Book Review & Giveaway: Epic Tomatoes by Craig LeHoullier
I hope all of you are having a great week! I am so excited to share with all of you that this week not only am I offering you another fabulous giveaway but I have exciting news to go along with this post so keep reading
I actually got to meet Craig LeHoullier the author at the Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville, North Carolina and even though it was freezing outside I plopped myself in a chair and bundled up and listened to a fabulous presentation and I thought this fellow really knows his tomatoes! I even got to chat with him a bit at the Storey Publishing booth afterwards and in addition to this review and the opportunity to win a copy of his amazing book I have a bonus! Yes a bonus! For those of you that know I am a former podcaster for the Prepper Broadcasting Network well I fill in for my good friend Joshua at the 7 P’s Survival Radio show from time to time and yes I will get to chat with Craig along with all of you this Tuesday May 10th at 9pm eastern on the Prepper Broadcasting network you will not want to miss it this man is a wealth of knowledge about tomatoes.
Craig is located in North Carolina along with this Carolina gal as a matter of fact I used to live fairly close to his neck of the woods and I promise you that NC has finicky soil….we have too much clay or too much sand in most of the state but this book will help you navigate some of your tomato challenges where ever you live but most importantly Craig will impart his love of tomatoes on you. If you weren’t swooning over tomatoes before you can bet after you read this book you will be and if not you will definitely expand your knowledge.
Highlights of Epic Tomatoes
-Craig lists out his top 10 Tastiest Tomatoes
-History Timeline of Tomatoes
-Planning For Your Tomatoes
-Tomato Anatomy
-Grafting Tomato Plants
-Tomato Maintenance and Care
-250 Recommended Tomato Plants
-Seed Saving and storage
-Natural Pest Control Options
-and he even has a very thorough Q&A section
I learned about a lot of tomato varieties that I had not even heard of, innovative tips I had not tried before, and Craig even includes recipes in this book. If there is a tomato book on the market that is more encompassing of everything tomatoes I have not run across it before and I own a ton of gardening books. Of course Craig covers much more in the book I don’t have time to cover it all here but I have to say one of my very favorite parts is the photo section where he shows different tomato problems and runs you through not only treatment options but prevention as well.
Of course if you stop in at the radio show you can call in or chat and ask Craig your questions directly.
Visit Prepper Broadcasting Network to listen to the show!
To enter this giveaway follow instructions below:
Of course if you are like me if I want to read a book I just go ahead and buy it so here are the links for Amazon for this book.
I hope you enjoyed my review of this fabulous book and I am so glad you stopped in. For me this book was just a sheer delight to read. I know you will be captivated by Craig’s love of tomatoes as much as I was I don’t know what it is about those golden, red, and sometimes yellow orbs of fleshy goodness but trust me I can’t wait to dive into ours out back this summer and thankfully with Craig’s knowledge I think we will be more successful than ever.
I wish you all a beautiful week….until next time!
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