From Chicks To Chickens – All Grown Up or Almost!

Happy Sunday Ya’ll and I wish all you Dad’s and Grandfathers an amazing Fathers Day!
We have been so busy around our homestead and in life in general! We recently went up north to help celebrate my big brother’s 50th Birthday and it got me thinking about where has the time gone? He certainly doesn’t look 50 so it’s probably why I hadn’t noticed We had a fun time but when I got back home I went out back and looked at my chickens and I thought Wow time flies so fast and that our gals had gone from chicks to chickens and that they were all grown up or almost!
Recently I shared with you all a post about how much I loved Purina’s organic feed line. I need to add to that because I wanted to share with you all how healthy our new arrivals look and all they have known their entire life is Purina’s organic feed line with one exception. One weekend we were low on feed and my husband “The Viking” in my life was worried about the amount of feed we had and he passed a hardware store on his way home from work and bought a generic chicken feed bag and brought it home to these feathered babies and I must say they turned their nose up at it LOL! They know a good thing when they taste it. Needless to say that other bag ended up getting composted I’m pretty sure but it was swiftly replaced. I realized I no longer have to put Purina Poultry to the test. The chicks/chickens did it for us already!

Photographed above is two of our new arrivals which are our Buff Orppington and our Welsummer chickens and there are certain attributes that let you know your chickens are healthy.
- They have healthy bright combs although some breeds like the Welsummer do have a paler comb.
- Eyes are clear and sparkly!
- Wings should be free to open and close freely and work well as they run around the chicken run!
- Nostrils should be clear and no discharge.
- Chicken feet should have three toes pointing forward for lack of a better word and should be healthy with no injuries, swelling, or cuts.
- Mentally your chickens should be happy! Ours definitely are!
Our chicks have been on the Purina Organic Starter-Grower Feed since day one. I must say that this is a great choice for starting an organic flock intended for fresh, organic eggs. This simple and complete diet provides all of the nutrients needed to help support immune health, proper muscle development, and beautifully colored feathers. (Feed until 18 weeks)
My gals are actually just about to be switched to the Purina Organic Layer Crumbles feed and I am going to be happy about this choice as well because they not only have everything in that product to support immune healthy, but they will also have strong shells and nutritious eggs! (18 weeks and beyond) As I shared in my last post we decided to stick with the Purina Scratch feed as well as we are making the effort to feed our chickens such a clean diet well we want to go all the way with that commitment and they love the scratch feed!
You may be thinking well this is a given! Not always these are really things you have to look for when you are raising chickens. I know I am using a feed that has all of the ingredients I want for them and none of those I don’t. I love that it has no genetically modified ingredients, no animal by products, no fillers, no artificial preservatives and like all poultry feed,no growth hormones added. I am thrilled with how good our chickens look and they are healthy and happy! I have raised enough flocks to see the difference and I am so glad we made the switch to Purina’s organic product line at our Lil’ Suburban Homestead. Also I know what is being passed on for me to eat when these three new arrivals start laying the eggs will be healthy and delicious and that’s peace of mind.

If you are new to raising chickens you may have a lot of questions at first but no worries because Purina has a huge FAQ page so If you don’t visit another link on this post you have to stop in and visit here.
Here’s a great video about raising chicks from the folks at Purina!
To find out more about Purina Poultry Feed and their products click here.
Purina Poultry has great Pinterest ideas and they keep adding to them on a regular basis. We have raised bout 8 flocks of chickens and you really do not ever stop learning about them. Every time I have watched this video I have gleaned some new piece of information!
Purina Poultry is sponsoring this post so we need to give them a huge shout out because this post is loaded with information that I personally researched and put together for all of you. I wanted to make sure you had all of the chicken feed resources I could share with you. I should also let you know I get asked to share sponsored posts all the time which I turn down because I won’t share with all of you about a product I don’t believe in or one that I don’t use!
The folks at Purina have made it super easy for you to find your own local retailer to find yours click here.
I wish you all a beautiful week! Until next time….
It’s good to have happy chickens!
Geri so true I just gave them a bunch of carrot tops too and they were in heaven!
Love those gorgeous eggs!
Thank you so much Tessa! I have no idea why I just saw this! You are so kind to stop by….I will come over and visit you soon
One of these days I hope to be able to have a few chickens. Friends of ours told me how you sex a chicken, which was good to know. Curby tails for boys and straight ones for girls.
But, that’s about the extent of my knowledge on raising chickens. Will refer back to your article as time goes on. Thank you!!!