Okay I remember when I first started as a member with an online frugality group in 2002 although I stalked the boards for a couple of years. I remember thinking these people are absolutely crazy planning a menu for an entire month! Who on earth could ever stick with that? Well I never have but during the school year while I am working I set up monthly calendars all year long. Since I have been doing long term meal planning for about 9 years now and I have never faithfully followed a meal plan you may say what is the point? or you are wasting your time….True initially it takes a little time but its like anything else in life the more you do it the faster, the better at it you become. Its like me with blogging, website design, reading, the things I love to do I am very fast at them! Cleaning….not so fast…. Anyway I have been using Lisa Welchel’s free menu planning template for years and she has a great site so click here to get this.
So it does take some time so what is the purpose? The monthly menu reminds you of what you have on hand so it doesn’t matter if you re-arrange the meals. The fact of the matter is we all get busy and its much easier to order take out than to prepare a meal especially when we can’t even remember whats in our pantry.
Here is my meal plan for September. I only post dinners on my menu because lunches and breakfasts are not an issue in our house. I will be blogging soon though on our lunch routine here at the Lil’ Suburban Homestead.
Click Here To View My September 2011 Dinner Menu Plan

Now I know I need to come over on the Saturday with burgers and sweet potatoes fries. What time should I pencil that in?
Well I haven’t even printed that calendar yet…but we can talk….and by the way I don’t ever get sick of tomatillos I envy you your abundance with them!!!!
This is so totally on my ‘to do’ list. I have challenged myself to do a monthly menu for September. Since I am not working now, I have the time and energy to get it done. It will make grocery shopping soooooo much easier! Thanx for sharing!