This is my first give away on my blog! I wanted to do something for my blog audience and also in my opinion fresh local food is what is really best for us and our kids so I think Paula created a cookbook that encourages lunch packing from home and it is for kids so they are simple and easy to follow and it encourages kids to be involved in the lunch making process! Paula goes into detail about measuring, baking for a bake sale, and even packing for a family picnic…. its a wealth of information in a very child friendly format.
I don’t know about you but sometime in January or February I get tired of packing my lunch. I get the lunch time blues for lack of a better word! However that being said I am not one to buy lunch out and actually working for the school system we don’t leave for lunch most days and even though we have a school cafeteria most of the lunches are quite processed something that my husband and I are not interested in for us or our son. I often pack leftovers, I like a nice tuna sandwich with cherry tomatoes, and a cheese wedge or yogurt. My son though is in high school now and he needs something portable and delicious that will keep his interest. I pack his lunch for him sometimes but he likes to cook and he often prepares his own lunch as seen below. He loves to make wraps, first he takes a tortilla, puts a little cream cheese and lettuce in it, then a little shredded cheese, 2 pieces of lunch meat, salt and peppers it, and rolls it up. He will also eat this with tuna, chicken, and or egg salad! It’s very economical and he usually takes water, fruit, and a granola bar too. Here is a picture of my son making his lunch.

I hope Paula’s cookbook will inspire you to think outside of the “lunch” box when you are planning your lunches! Winners will be chosen by randomly with the help of random.org. All you need to do to be entered in the drawing is just do two things just comment to me why you think Paula Deen’s Cook Book For the Lunch-Box Set would be beneficial in your Cook Book library and or go to my Facebook page and Like Lil’ Suburban Homestead and comment to me here when you do that as well. Each one will give you one entry into the giveaway! Because we have a storm heading our way in the Coastal Carolinas I will close this giveaway next Thursday, September 1st at 8:00pm. Good Luck!
I am packed lunch challenged and a book would do me a world of good and save me money too.
Marjorie this book has lots of good ideas! I have entered you in the drawing! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Paula Deen is my absolute favorite chef! I love all her recipes & I know her Lunch-Box Set would fit in here for us, especially when we have our homeschool co-op group. We always take a lunch with us. Who knows, maybe we’d be the envy of all of our fellow co-op members!
Steph I absolutely love Paula Deen too! I have made sure to enter you twice into the drawing for both your entries. Thanks so much for stopping in!
I also “liked” you on Facebook! Good luck with your giveaway, Karen! This is a great one!
This would make packing lunches and creating healthy meals for the kids so much easier
Robin I agree! This book looks really great! Thanks for commenting! I have entered you in twice for the drawing….
FB follower
This cookbook would be great for me because I am desperately in need of new lunch-time ideas!
Donna I always get stumped mid year about lunches too I don’t know I just get stuck in a rut. Thanks so much for stopping by I have entered you in the giveaway twice.
I’m impressed — you make it all the way to mid-year without getting stuck in a rut?!? I’ve being repetitive in just a couple of weeks. LOL
I liked you on fb (donna alena)
I take lunch to work everyday and it’s very easy to get stuck making the same thing day after day. I need some variety! I’m sure this cookbook would really help me liven things up. Thanks for the contest and the opportunity to win a cookbook by Paula!
Thanks for stopping by Teslaca! I will be making the announcing the winner on Friday evening!
I liked you on Facebook. Love the photo of your pre-made soups.
I had so much making those soups! Thanks again!
I always try to prepare my husbands lunches that are easy for him to heat up or what every. But I am running out of ideas. I love Paula’s methods and ideas, they are so simple and easy to prepare. With Paula starting her career the the way she did I know this cook book will help me preparing him new and exciting lunches.
Lisa I know if I don’t pack my husband something good as frugal as we are he will stop somewhere for sure…….I think Paula does have an interesting background and I am so excited to offer this giveaway!
Paula’s food is good for all occasions, whether its our lunch box or supper lol Must be the butter (yummy)!I like having her recipes handy. I liked your facebook page too
Blessings! ~Nikki
Thanks so much for stopping by Nikki. I agree Paula knows her stuff!
I absolutely love Paula Deen! My middle daughter is now in middle school, and has gotten tired of all the ‘usual’ lunch items. This cookbook sounds awesome to get a few new ideas! It would also be great for using at home (I homeschool my 7yo Autistic son). He loves watching Food Network with me, and gets a kick when Mommy says “From my kitchen to yerrrrrs”
Shelley isn’t middle school so tough? I am dealing with high school again with my youngest and its ever changing. I haven’t blogged about it but I used to homeschool I know how much work it is!
Thanks for linking to the Living Well blog hop. Love your bees!
Laurie I told my friend who is a fellow blogger about your blog hop! I really enjoyed it and I love the sites that link to you as well! Thanks for stopping in and thanks for the compliment about the bees I will share this with the Viking in my life as he is the Bee Keeper at the Lil’ Suburban Homestead for the most part but that is soon to change!
Okay everyone I will be closing this giveaway for comments on Thursday at 8:00 PM thats tomorrow night! I will announce the winner of this giveaway Friday evening so keep coming back and thanks everyone who has participated so far!
Big thumbs up – thanks!