I cannot believe the one year Anniversary of my blog flew by on August 10th…..Wow! A year ago I decided that I was turning 40 and I wanted to share with others the way we live, for some it may be a little different, for others maybe you are stopping by for new ideas, if you are like me I love to visit fellow “Homesteading” type blogs for validation, connection, and to find kindred spirits! My Mom, The Viking in My Life, my children, and my good friend Lisa at The Way Grandmama Does It have all encouraged and supported me this past year as well as a few other fellow bloggers like Steph at Country Haven which by the way Steph I need to add you to my blog roll. Anyways it has been so much fun for me this year connecting with other bloggers, maybe helping those learn who want to start leading a more sustainable lifestyle. I know when I first started there were not these type of homesteading blogs readily available….the forums I had the local library, my favorite magazine BackWoods Home, friends in the country who had been canning etc…., and the first website I grabbed hold of years ago was Homesteading Today and then shortly after Frugal Families which is a website that has tons of tips on being frugal and prepared just to name a few. Truthfully there were not a lot of options for support in homesteading and frugal endeavors but the options I found were filled with folks ready to share there lifestyle with me. I hope you have enjoyed your visits here at Lil’ Suburban Homestead. For me it has been so exciting to see my favorite recipes and information come to life in a virtual environment. I am currently working on a cookbook my followers Skip and Lisa Tilley have inspired me to do this……Thanks guys! There is so much more to come I am going to have a very exciting give away coming up soon hopefully next month in September I don’t want to share the details just yet. I am going to be also having some detailed tutorials of some of the issues I have faced with our chickens here and how we have dealt with them. I will be making homemade soap with my Dad in late September or early October and we are going to take pictures and share a tutorial with all of you. My Dad makes the best soaps you are not going to want to miss this blog! Oh and I have some very exciting fall recipes coming! So keep coming back and thanks for stopping by
Congratulations! Love reading about your homestead! Your entire family must be so proud of your accomplishments! Here’s to another year of blogging my friend!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I hope you have many more years of enjoyment writing your blog.
Thanks Karen! I always enjoy stopping by your blog and I always learn something new!