Backwoods Home Magazine will be offering my blog readers a one year subscription to their magazine. A one year subscription (6 issues) to Backwoods Home magazine is valued at $24.95 but for us the savings have been far greater than that. I am so excited about this giveaway!!!! I actually have subscribed to Backwoods Home for years prior to that or I would run and grab it at the local book store or wherever I could find it. It has a wealth of information packed in this magazine and I guess what is such a gem about this magazine is that there is something for everyone. If you are new to homesteading this is absolutely one of the best resources for you as you can learn anything from do it yourself butchering, practical skills such as Chainsaw sharpening, preparing your pantry, building a solar greenhouse, and practical cooking ideas, how to take care of your guns which are a practical reality of living a homestead lifestyle.
Okay so enough about how great I think Backwoods Home magazine is, I think you know by now how I feel about them, but what I haven’t shared with you is that I was published in the Letters to the Editor in the Backwoods Home in the September/October issue of this past year! What is even funnier is that knowing how many subscribers they have that I thought I most likely would not get my letter published so do you think the Letters to the Editor was the first place I looked? No it wasn’t so it was about a week after we had the magazine that my husband said…”Hon, read these letters to the editor” and I scanned the page and I was so pleased to see my letter published but also thought it was funny I had read the entire magazine but the Letters to the Editor. Note to self: never skip the Letters to the Editor, there might be something really important in that section!
I remember that my family always had a small garden growing up and the freezer was always stocked with strawberry jam, one of my faves. Strawberry picking was a past time we loved to do every year as a family and I certainly was taught to be independent and resourceful, all skills which I am so thankful for however since we did not live in the country I did not learn to can food, pressure cook, raise chickens and bees etc….The Viking in my life my husband Eric says he likes how the articles are broken down to the basic nuts and bolts so that any one can accomplish basic tasks of living off the land and enjoying what the earth can provide for us. Ayoob’s articles are great – He has a vast knowledge of firearms and personal protection strategies. Jackie Clay who I have been in awe of for years has been a reliable voice that I have listened to for sage practical household advice and especially a topic that was new for me when I first started my homestead lifestyle “Long Term Food Storage”. Claire Wolfe has also inspired me to embrace Homesteading as a way of life no matter where you are and what you are starting out with. These are all skills that had to be learned and I share in my Letter to the Editor that Backwoods Home was such a great resource for us back when few Homesteading resources were available! So the contest rules are simple; I am going to leave it open for 30 days from the date of this post. The only requirement is that you have to comment on this blog. It could not be simpler, and once this giveaway is closed I will randomly pick a winner with Random.org. I hope you are as excited as me about this great giveaway! Feel free to place the BackWoods Home Magazine Giveway Badge and Link on your page to spread the news!
We live simply by choice and have for over 30 yrs, but there is always something to learn. New safety issues for canning/storing food etc. Would love to read this magazine and see what there is to know or try in our neck of the woods. THanks.
Shelley the magazine is absolutely full of those types of ideas for canning etc… you would love it!
Just read your latest post, so I took a ‘trip’ to their website hoping to find some current articles and was soooo impressed! I have garlic to plant that my son gave me….I’ll be heading back to that site often! Thanks!
Shelley I head over there all the time its kind of like one of those tried and true resources! I tried my hand at garlic again this year I will let you all know how it goes!
Yay! I LOVE Backwoods Home!
Katie its just a great magazine isn’t it?
You introduced me to Backwoods Home magazine and I love it. I am also friends with them on Facebook. I would love to win a subscription! Congratulations on this giveaway!
Lisa I did not realize I introduced you to it! I knew you like it though! Good Luck!
I am relatively new to homesteading and would LOVE to have this as a resource. I used an Internet article from them on how to process grape juice (all 1 pint from our new grape vine), so I know they’d be a wonderful resource!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Tracy this is exactly how I stumbled on to it. I needed information and you can always write Jackie Clay for some advice too if you don’t see a particular article listed that is also why we bought some back issues once although I think now they sell anthologies.
I would love to win this giveaway. Count me in!
-Britt T.
Good Luck Britt and thanks for stopping by!
I have never seen this magazine and would love to have a subscription–looks very useful.
Sue it just intrigued me the first time I saw it in the Book Store even their covers are different than everyone elses it just stands out!
I have some very old Backwoods Home Magazines I just received from an old neighbor…. we LOVE reading them– it was on my list of things to do to check out how much a subscription would cost!! To have a year free would be SOOOO awesome!!!!
So glad you stopped by our homestead! Good Luck! I am glad you have enjoyed them as much as I have!
Jackie Clay’s blog is where I go when I have canning questions for sure! She is a huge inspiration to me. And Claire…Claire is amazing. I love her blog too!
Sadly, in Canada, we never have BWH on the news stands, and I have yet to get a subscription-been meaning to, it just hasn’t happened yet. LOL! I would love to be entered for the chance to win one!
Wolf Song I will be announcing the winner in a few minutes! I must have missed your post but Good Luck!
This magazine looks like just what I need to continue to make baby steps toward self-sustainability. Thanks for the opportunity.
Dee it is definitely a great tool when you are starting out and while you are striving to continue to get better and more efficient. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you so much for the chance to win a subscription. They would be read over and over!
Ann that is what we do with ours we keep them up on our bookshelf and use them over and over
Hi Karen,
I just found you today through Amy of Homesteading Revival and then again at HT (sweet potato fries anyone?) Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a subscription. Backwoods Home looks like a great magazine. My husband and I are still pretty new to the homesteading idea but for the last few years we do whatever we can to live more healthy and self-sufficient. Thanks again and I look forward to visiting your blog more often!
Have great evening!
Sharon I saw your blog tonight and actually recommended it to a friend of mine it is right up her alley……you would love Backwoods Home Magazine! By the way thanks for sharing your sweet potato fries recipe with all of us!
I would love Backwoods Home Magazine. I’ve been reading Jackie Clay’s articles online. Thanks for the chance to win!
Monica thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead! Good Luck!
Wow this is probably the BEST giveaway I have seen, at least to me, this would be used more than anything else. I also love Jackie Clay’s Blog so anything that she is in has to be a gret thing, Please include me in the chance to win., Thanks
So glad you could stop by! I agree I was so excited about this giveaway! Good Luck!
I would love to win this for my son, he reads mine when I am done and he would love to have his own!
Thanks Rae I think that is a great idea! I share mine sometimes with a few close friends at work….but only with people I know I will get it back from
Thanks for stopping by!
I sneak in to peak at what you share on your blog every once in awhile. I often visit Backwoods Home website for information and although I’ve canned for years, I go to Jackie Clay for advice – she is so inspiring.
Christine thanks for commenting and stopping in once in a while. I have been in awe with how many good blogs are out there and how many great ideas! I agree I love Jackie Clay! Come on back!
I have read many of Jackie Clay’s articles online. She is an inspiration. I would LOVE to win this giveaway for the Backwoods Home subscription. Thank you for the chance.
Laura she is just a wealth of info isn’t she? Thanks for stopping in and I am glad you have the opportunity to win this magazine!
i want to win so badly! pick me!
seriously what a great giveaway! i will post the badge on my blog .
Thanks for stopping by Tami and thanks for spreading the news about this great giveaway!
I would love read this magazine. I have never seen it. I purchase Mother Earth News, Hobby Farm at my local Tractor Supply every month when we go in for supplies. I would love to add it to my “reference library”
Diana have you gone to the Backwoods Home Website you can see a lot of articles there….great info! Thanks for stopping in at our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
Great magazine and great giveaway. Congratulations on being published!
Kelly I know I was so excited! I am so happy you stopped in! Good Luck!
I would love to win a subscription to this magazine it is awesome!
I agree wholeheartedly with you Arlene! So glad you stopped by and commented on this giveaway!
I love that magazine ! Please enter me in your giveaway. I found your blog through Homestead Revival. Thank you for the great giveaway.
Lisa great minds think alike! I wish you luck and thanks for stopping by!
I would love to be entered into this giveaway ! New to your site! Great place to visit….
Andi thanks so much for stopping by! I am glad you enjoyed your visit and thanks for your comment to this giveaway!
Found you on HT and thought I would come over and say hi! Love the site – very nicely put together!
Thank you Myra for stopping by! You know I absolutely love blogging and I love sharing ideas that my husband and I learn with others but the best part of all is connecting with people like you and learning from them!
Sounds like a great magazine. I would love to learn from all the wonderful topics in it.
Thank so much for commenting on this giveaway Andrea and stopping by Lil’ Suburban Homestead! Good Luck!
Hi, I found you on Homestead Revival. I have loved Backwoods Home for a good long time and would love to win this giveaway. Thanks for having it!
Grace I am so glad you found this giveaway then! Thanks for commenting!
I just found your blog through Amy’s link up. I’d love to start getting Backwoods Home. Thanks for including me in the contest.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting Linda! Good Luck! I was thrilled that Backwoods Home will be giving away this offer to one of my blog visitors!
I would absolutely love to be entered into this giveaway. I love magazines that show a simpler life and ideas.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for commenting!
Wow. To find all this (you, this magazine, others) who are thinking like us – how to support yourself and not be so dependent on others – is wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to win this magazine. I can see by reading the other posts that this is a wonderful magazine. -Tami
Thanks so much Tami! I know you will love the magazine and you should definitely check out their website too. Lots of great articles right online to preview the magazine! So glad you stopped in
yes! I Love this mag.
I’m always looking for ways good farming ideas
I love BWH and would love to have a subscription again. I do buy the anthologies and go to their website often.
I have some of the anthologies too and the website is a great resource but I love going out to the mailbox still and getting my Back Woods Home magazine in the mail……and flipping through it. Thanks for commenting and stopping by!
I have been gardening and canning for years. I have just started milling whole grains and making my own breads and flours. We have finally cut out process sugar. I would love to have a subscription to the Backwoods Home Magazine. Thank You for your Blog
Glenda I am very interested in beginning the journey of milling whole grains too. I have been trying to read up on it. So glad you commented and stopped in!
very cool…well written and good info
Thanks so much for coming on over here and thanks for the comment. Good Luck!
Great giveaway! I saw your signature line on HT and decided to come over and check out the giveaway
I’ve been getting BWH for a few years now and Jackie’s columns are my favorite. I always turn to the Letters to the Editor first though!
I love this magaizine. I get it from TSC when it has articles that will help me. Please enter me in this awesome giveaway!
Brandee so glad you stopped by and I wish you luck in this amazing Giveaway!
Fantastic giveaway, sign me up! Stop over to my blog and sign up for mine! I’m giving away a Lodge cast iron skillet! http://originalcountrygirl.com/2011/09/19/announcement-as-promised-lodge-cast-iron-giveaway/
Thanks so much for coming by and commenting! I am so excited about this give away too……and I am so coming over to sign up for yours now!
We would love to win a subscription to this! Sounds like a wonderful and fun read!
I would love to have a subscription for my wife Lisa she is constantly trying new ways to do things in the Kitchen and she loves the old ways of doing things.
Skip I am so glad you stopped in. Lisa would love this magazine! Best of luck!
As someone who is trying to simplify her life this subscription would be a lot of help. I am off to look at the website you gave for more tips and advice!
So glad you stopped in I hope you glean some good information. A lot of the links in my blog roll are wonderful too and I will be continuing to add to this list. I am always striving to live simpler and be more efficiently while saving some money which isn’t all that easy to do anymore.
I’m always learning and trying new things. This magazine looks like a valuable resource!
Sharon it absolutely is a great resource! Good luck I am so glad you commented on this post
I would love love love to have this magazine. Am trying to get more out of my small acerage and the articles in this mag would go a long way to educating me.
Thanks so much for stopping in and I agree this magazine is perfect for any homesteader!
Great giveaway! I’m a new follower and have never heard of the magazine ~ I’m on my way to check it out
Dawn, so glad to hear I am always trying to share things we are doing and learning from others too! Good Luck!
I love Jackie Clay. Always something new to learn from her.
Absolutely Doris she is a wealth of knowledge I agree! Thanks for stopping in!
Sigh, living in Holland makes it a bit difficult for a free subscription, isn’t it? But if (if, but I’m not a winning person…) I’m the lucky winner, perhaps there could be something done with the cost for shipping. (sorry about my English, but I suppose you understand what I want to say).
Heidi Wow I am so excited someone all the way from Holland stopped by my blog! I don’t know how far Backwoods Home Magazine sends their subscriptions but we can cross that bridge if we come to it! Anyways Good Luck!
Hi- just found your site- so cool- also would love to get a subscription to the Backwodds Home Magazine- its the best!
Thanks so much for commenting! I agree its a great magazine and resource! I wish you best of luck!
I have checked their Magazines out at our local library. Would love to win this.
Patsy I have thoroughly enjoyed mine! Thanks for stopping in over here and Good Luck!
Just found your blog through A Godly Homemaker. I love Backwoods Home Magazine. My subscription just ran out and our finances won’t allow me to renew at this time. I would be delighted if I win! Your blog looks great and I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for the giveaway and God bless!
Missy it is a wonderful resource! I wish you all the best and thanks for stopping in!
I just found your blog..Looks like a great magazine..
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Misty I have enjoyed this magazine for years! I wish you the best of luck!
I would love to be entered!
Cindy you are definitely entered! Good Luck and thanks for stopping by!
Natasha I love visiting all the homesteading blogs too! I wish you luck on the giveaway!
Oh, I’d love a chance to win! Better Half and I are actually toying with the idea of selling our home and living much more simply in a smaller, efficient home and basically simplifying our lives. Thanks for the chance!
So glad you stopped in and I wish you much luck on the giveaway!
This sounds like a fantastic giveaway. My hubby and I are just starting to reevaluate how we do things in our life and what we want out of life. Homesteading and sustainability have been discussed many times and this sounds like a wonderful magazine to learn from.
I am so glad you stopped by and I wish you well on this giveaway! This magazine and website have a ton of resources!
We wanna win! We wanna win!
You are definitely going in the drawing ! Good Luck!