This is a place to link up for all things that are homesteading related. I decided to call it the Trading Post for two reasons; the first reason is the summer camp I went to when I was a little girl had a Trading Post where we could buy goodies and snacks brings back good memories on hot summer days. The second reason is that historically Trading Post’s were community hubs it was a place where homesteaders would trade with the local Native Americans, women could sometimes pick up home goods if they were lucky and it might be the only place a homesteader in the west might play a game of chess or just have a little good old-fashioned conversation. Here is a link about the history of Trading Posts. I love how they mention on this site that the Trading Post was the cornerstone of further exploration and isn’t that what we are doing….exploring each other’s homesteads, musings, collective thoughts and ideas.
The one thing that I absolutely love about blog hops is that all of us whether we are truly farmers or homesteaders on acres and acres of land or we are suburban/urban farmers/ homesteaders or if we even own a little parcel of land is that we all are kindred spirits and we love to share our joy and passions with our homesteading ventures. I wanted to have a place where we can all come together and share our love of homesteading and pursue our passions. The only restrictions are that while all bloggers can advertise giveaways I will restrict people just placing ads for the sake of advertising. This is a forum for us to share and learn from each other. I have learned so much from all of you in the homesteading community and therefore our homesteading skills are continuing to grow!
I hope you will join us today at “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” our first edition and join in! So if you love to can, sew, raise bees, raise chickens, garden, (just to name a few) and you enjoy being a homesteader and want to share this is the place for you! Please link back and share the blog linky badge! Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well this is my first link up!
Thanks for joining in! For now my blog linky’s won’t show up at this page but stay tuned because we have purchased our own domain and that is coming very soon!
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Edition No. 1
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I joined up you Linky! Coming here from HT and what a nice site you have.
Katlupe so glad you joined me I am going to check your blog out now!
I linked up too!
Something is wrong. I wanted to add a link and I got the message that the link expired, then I tried to click on the link to view the other links and got the same error message. I guess I’ll try again later.
Thanks my linky expired and I think I am just going to try again next weekend. Sorry…..:(
I fixed it come on back if you have time!
Hi Karen Lynn…I’ve been wanting to add your badge to my blog, but I haven’t seen the code available on your page. If you can send me the html code, I would love to add your badge!
Lisa Lynn,

That is so nice of you! I actually worked on this yesterday because I think it was you that brought it to my attention that it wasn’t working and you know how much time all this digital media takes….so I went to some Blog Her sites and I think I got it fixed….Can you let me know if it doesn’t work? Thanks so much! Here it is: