Custards are not nearly as popular as they used to be. I mean don’t get me wrong everyone I know just about loves a good creamy custard and in fact we have a frozen custard place nearby and I know those types of places are always popular in the summer but I don’t know many people that actually make custard although the ingredients on readily available in most homes.
Puddings and custards historically were not always sweet and were also a very economical way to use up leftovers. The original pudding was more likened to what we view as a sausage however what we know as custard it is agreed upon by most food historians dates back for centuries to the Middle Ages and it was not exclusive to Europe as Asia has similar recipes in their history.
With the holidays right around the corner I thought I would share with all of you my custard recipe that I make quite often. It is easy and economical and will be a big hit with whoever you are making it for and the ingredients are simple and whole. No chemicals and additives that would be in this item from the grocery store… is virtually impossible to get away from all chemicals but when you can it sure makes sense.
This is the recipe for my custard:
Country Kitchen Custard
1 Cup Sugar
1 TBSP. flour
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Ground nutmeg to taste
4 Cups of milk
1 tsp. butter (Optional I sometimes add to give a richer flavor)
I put the sugar and the flour in a sauce pot on the stove. I then add the milk into the sauce pot and I beat the eggs before I stir in slowly with a whisk. I cook it over medium heat and continue stirring but do not let it get to a boil. You will know when its ready because it will start tracing a little and thickening and once you pull it off the stove you add the vanilla nutmeg. If you are going to add the butter in you add it in at the very beginning. Cover and place in the fridge! Hope you like it
Serves 6 to 8 Homesteaders and other folks!
Thanks for stopping in at our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
Gratitude No. 4 – I am grateful for all of my grandparents that I have been blessed with they all imparted great knowledge to me in their lifetime. My Mamo blessed me with the gift of talk and also a strong intuition which I guess must come in handy when you raise 9 kids. My Papo blessed with the gift of fishing and my love of adventure and my Grandma Munner who is still with us blessed me with her “Homesteading” ways and frugality for which I will always be so grateful. We used to just sit around and talk about my chickens and my garden for hours and I so miss those talks but it also makes me appreciate my memories of them and the blessings she has shared with me so much more.

I’m assuming the flour is just a thickener, and you could use tapioca instead?
Yes it could be corn starch, rice, or even tapioca but it needs some type of starch. Oh and its delicious……I guess because it does not have things in it such as carageenan for example….
Wow! Karen Lynn I am always amazed by your fantastic posts. You pack alot of great information into them. I am really excited about the custard and the crystalized ginger and ginger ale. Thank you for sharing them.
Heidi thanks so much I am really enjoying sharing some of my newer projects and tried and true ones such as my custard recipe too hope you enjoyed them!
Looks so simple! Have you tried sweetening with honey or maple syrup, or even a bit of maple syrup and molasses?
Barb I have not tried that but since we will have our own honey next year I will definitely look into this! Thanks for stopping in!