We had our first frost where we live last night when we have to wear slippers in our house it means Winter is officially here. Pictured above is for the most part the last of our Peppers of the season and also one of our German Giant radishes which are delicious fried up with bacon….although I am starting to wonder if just everything is wonderful with bacon
We garden with a lot of large pots in the yard we should call ourselves Lil’ Suburban Potager instead but living in the coastal area this makes it much easier to get our soil mix right and to move plants around as needed. Also you can see in the photo above that we are plagued by pinecones….oh yes there will be many people who get pine cone bird feeders from me this Christmas!
We had to laugh because in the photo below is our peanut harvest for this past year……..they were fun to plant and watch grow since we had never grown them before and we plan to try again for a larger crop next year.
We made our preparations and covered all of our pepper plants that are still producing but had not been moved to the greenhouse yet.
Here is a post about our local Hobby Greenhouse Tour so you can see a picture of our Greenhouse. Our Greenhouse is really a good example of what can be done with a small budget using primarily recycled materials on a 1/3 of an acre. I have also attached another post that shows some of the inside of our Greenhouse as this is the time of year we Greenhouse owners really start using them and tucking our plants in for Winter.
Thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
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PS – Gratitude No. 9 for November is for my in laws which includes my Mother In Law, Father In Law, Step Mother In Law, Brothers In Law, and Step Sister and Step Brothers In Law who have all blessed me and truly have made me a part of their families. My life has been richer and fuller because of them.
Fry radishes with bacon? I don’t really know how to eat radishes except for raw in salads. I thought I might throw some my dried ones in soup. Radishes and bacon might be pretty interesting.
Kathy it really is very delicious! I would be curious to know how it is in soup.
Karen Lynn,
Thanks for the help. I have linked up and posted about your fun new hop! I am very excited about it. Have a great week!
Thank-you for sharing this linky. I am new to homesteading and want to learn as much as possible. Please join me on my journey @http://www.mommiesandbeyond.com I am new follwoer. I look forward to learning! Thank-you!