Yesterday was Friday so I was in a good mood I always look forward to the weekend. Especially when I have so much going on (baking/shopping/putting our Christmas Decorations up etc…..)
I came home and the first thing I noticed what that my kids even though my teen son is sick wanted to surprise me and they put Christmas lights up on the front porch. I was very touched they know how much I love Christmas and they wanted to kind of get the momentum moving and it has truly inspired me.
As I walked around our Lil’ Suburban Homestead I spied a silly concrete face that my husband tucked in our yard. I had to laugh because he doesn’t think I notice these things and whats even funnier I told him it looked like him kind of.
Surprises are a great way to end the week and the last surprise I spied were these very funky radishes. They tasted pretty good in spite of the weather changing. I love radishes fried but I also love them sliced thin on top of neufachel cheese and a cracker.
I was supposed to get to more of my holiday baking last night but by the time my husband and I finished our errands I was only able to get my banana bread baked for my neighbor’s “Ladies Holiday Brunch” which I am really looking forward too.
So here is to an amazing Saturday for all of you who are out there shopping this morning don’t forget there are many wonderful goodies online before you venture out. I have scored a couple really good shopping deals online this past week! Tis’ the season to save gas when you can
Now it’s time to link up to the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post! Remember link up any article that is interesting to you about your homestead! It’s your life go out and blog about it! I for one am truly interested and can’t wait to see what’s going on!
Happy Saturday my Virtual Friends! By the way I want to welcome all of my new subscribers! I learn from you my fellow bloggers and realize not everyone enjoys blogging but I always love to hear your comments!
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