I was really planning on going with a “Non” Commercial post today but I realized not everyone is in to making homemade crafts and engage in holiday baking so for you I am posting some gift ideas for the holidays that in my opinion are thoughtful and may not all be sustainable but still some good ideas!
A lot of State’s have some version of their state magazine in our state of North Carolina we have Our State and this magazine is just incredible and for only $27.99 a year you can get this award-winning magazine if you live in North Carolina I believe all of the Sam’s Clubs and Costco’s carry them too I pick mine up there.
If you want to get a nostalgic candy treat for someone special on your list. The Vermont Country Store has a huge array of candy. They have ribbon candy, Mallo Cups, and even Necco’s my fave!
Lehman Brothers has an Old Style Chamber Oil Lamp for only $12.95. We had the power go out last night while I was baking and because my husband is addicting to collecting oil lamps and I am addicted to collecting candles we had no issues….I kept baking and then later I read one of my favorite holiday stories……I took advantage of the down time. I even broke out the gum drops
Restoration Hardware has vintage games for the holiday season – I know they have Scrabble, Monopoly, and Clue just to name a few…These are all classics and certainly bring back memories of some Monopoly Throwdowns!
Lastly I absolutely love IKEA so I have to share a find from them today too. Ikea has potpourri in a box for only $3.99….they have one with shells and one with stones….both are beautiful for decorating your homestead.
True most homesteaders try to make their own candy and their own potpourri but even with the best of intentions we may run out of steam……..so while I am not advocating that we just sit and shop all the time it is nice to do from time to time!
So even if you don’t order anything check out these ideas they are all really simple and a little different!
Tis’ the season to point and click…..cha….ching….cha…ching….just be careful to not rack up a bunch of debt just for the holidays it will be gone before you know it and then life will be back to normal. Take this time to enjoy your friends and family, good food, and have fun!
That beautiful red star on the current North Carolina magazine is made by Judy Wobbleton.
I have two gifts left to make, almost done. Everyone who receives from me knows a head it will be made by me, I don’t purchase gifts. I just don’t think there is anything more special than someone taking the time to make something especially for you. I also love to receive hand made gifts.
Carol I love to make gifts too! I participated in a couple of homemade gift swaps on line this year and they are so much fun! I don’t have my December issue of the Our State magazine I guess I better run out and get it! I can’t wait to read it! I am definitely guilty of purchasing gifts but each year I make more homemade gifts than the year before…..I always love hearing from you Carol….so do you know Judy Wobbleton or do you know her work?
I know Judy and I know her work. I travel to NC every year for NCBA(North Carolina Basketmakers Association convention) Judy is a wonderful lady and this years convention coordinator. I think this is going to be my 4th maybe 5th,year attending, I have gone to others and I can’t keep them straight!
I have been weaving for over 25 years.
I did not know there were handmade gift swaps online………………I am getting my young granddaughters started making hand made. I promised we would each do a simple basket during their Christmas vacation. The 6 year old is very excited.
You know it is funny I follow several on line blogs, but yours is the one I seems to always comment on. I am not much at leaving replies.
Those are great ideas! Unfortunately I won’t be giving or reciving any thise year. Just very tied on budget. Even to make something I need to have things to make it from. Oh well… . Will be more and better prepared for next year
Great post. I love the ideas. And you’re right, sometimes its nice to not have one more thing to do. And as much as I LOVE giving homemade gifts, I don’t think all my family loves receiving them.
Love IKEA! I just made DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses, perfect homemade gifts. http://www.robinmiller.us/2011/12/11/diy-chalkboard-wine-glasses/
Very cool wine glasses Robin thats a great affordable holiday project! If you really wanted to tighten your budget you could pick some up at any dollar store too! Thanks for sharing that idea!
Polish Mom I know many people are feeling exactly as you do this summer I will be posting more on strategies to deal with the rising prices and shrinking budgets. Misty I agree not everyone does appreciate homemade gifts. Robin I am going now to check out your link!
I’m really interested in hearing those ideas!
Carol I am glad you do comment frequently I always enjoy hearing from you!