It’s time for the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post again…..can’t believe how fast this month has flown by.
I love all homesteading topics and I love seeing what you are doing at your Homestead! So please link up this week so I can see all the cool things you all are doing that I only wish I had time enough to do all the projects I want to get done myself. I love seeing how others are living sustainably, providing healthy wholesome nutritious meals for themselves and their families. I also love seeing all the clever, creative ideas out there. I love seeing posts of your cows, goats and other farm animals too. I only have one criteria please do not link up items you are selling. Please do share what you are doing on your homestead………this week I made yogurt, hopefully before the weekend is out I may even get some other items on my to do list accomplished.
Please link up for the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 9 here:
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My homemade yogurt turned out perfect I could not have been happier remember the consistency is not quite as creamy but I was quite pleased! This morning I even had a bowl and I swirled in some honey on top it tasted so delicious!
Take a look for yourself!
Thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead and thanks for linking up at our blog hop this week! Don’t forget to come back next Saturday!
This post was linked to the following blog hops:
Thank you so much we are going to try today
what is greek yogurt? Have a great day
I am actually thinking of trying to make some greek yogurt soon……It is creamier and thicker and I have seen some homemade recipes for this. I am thinking of making this in the next couple of weeks! Let me know how it turned out for you.
Couldn’t you just strain what you have to make it thicker like Greek yogurt?
That sounds like what I read once but I have to do more research. I have to look into this….greek yogurt sounds delicious!