Frugal, Sustainable, Beauty is it possible?

Well two weeks ago I got my hair done, and my daughter who is a make up artist gave me a makeover at her workplace for an event they were having.  It was a lot of fun and I know the products she used on me are probably worth their weight in gold in the cosmetic world but I have a passion for living sustainably so I thought I could at least share products I use as part of my daily regimen that are frugal and less expensive.  They are not all natural and sustainable but they are good options for a Walmart budget.  I mentioned the words “Is it Possible?” in my blog post title because I think we all have to balance for our budget what works best for us as individuals.

Here is my after picture:  

My favorite hair product is Flex Shampoo (this is a big no-no) according to my Hair Diva and I can find it for 99 cents a bottle at Big Lots or Mane N Tail Shampoo  at the local drug store not as cheap(good for horses, my dog, and me!)

My conditioner and it is amazing is the CVS generic (Aveeno ) brand conditioner.

My toner is witch hazel.

I am making my first batch of homemade deodorant this week…..see my friend’s Lisa at “The Way Grandmama Does It”  blog on how to do this or another virtual friend’s Mom Photographer’s blog here….both have very informative posts on this subject.

My moisturizers are either Aveeno or Ponds.

My foundation is Ulta Tinted Self Correcting Moisturizer

Eyeshadow – Ulta runs promotions on some of the nicer eye shadows you can pick on up but I did splurge and I bought a trio of eye shadow from my daughter and it does truly go on different it is so creamy and luxurious but my frugal self hates to admit it.

My one luxury is my department store lipstick but one stick lasts me all year and sometimes I score a sample so I am set.

Make up is not super important to me but when I am I have an important day suddenly it becomes extremely important.  I am fortunate because I have a daughter who helps me get it all together…….not only that but she actually is looking forward to our big planting day on Sunday.

In spite of having a passion for homesteading I connect with a lot of women throughout the web that embrace their femininity and yet they are proud that they are homesteaders.  The two do go hand in hand!  Share with us what your frugal, sustainable beauty regimen is I would love to hear it!  I am really struggling right now with dark under eye circles I doubt working in the Technology field has anything to do with this. 😉


my siggie :)

16 thoughts on “Frugal, Sustainable, Beauty is it possible?

  1. Karen Lynn,
    You are a beautiful woman. I am not so good at protecting my skin. I hope to get better at it before it’s too late, but one frugal tip I use that works is cucumber slivers on the eyes whenever I get those bad summer allergies. Nothing soothes like the fresh cucumber wedges. I am looking for a homemade deodorant recipe, so I will next shoot on over to Lisa’s blog and check out her recipe. Thank you.

    1. Heidi you know I think they would show that tip with the cucumbers when I was growing up but I always thought they just did it for the photos….ha ha mental note to self make sure to plant lots more cucumbers for beauty regimen 🙂 By the way Heidi thanks so much for the compliment you are always so kind….

  2. thank you so much for mentioning me and linking to my post!!! so excited for you about the homemade deodorant. If I knew before that it’s so easy and fast to make I would be making it years ago 🙂
    This week I’m going to post my homemade eye cream so you might want to try this one too. I don’t know if it’s good for dark circles but it’s an awesome moisturizer. I actually use it on my entire face and I love it.
    Great moisturizer for face is plain youghurt, avocado and honey mixture. Twice a day and you’ll see how your skin is getting younger. It really works!!! You should try it.

    1. The good news for me Mom Photographer is that I should have a lot of honey and I make my own homemade yogurt so all I need is avacados! I will keep an eye out for your eye cream recipe I can’t wait! I love your blog and hope my readers will hop on over and see all your great posts!

      1. thank you so much for you kind words about my blog ! it;s really encouraging! 🙂
        if you don’t have the avocado you can skip it sometimes. Honey and yougurt should be enough to start. mix those two really well and put over your face. Keep for 10 to 20 minutes and rins with lukewarm water. do it twice a week or even more often if you have the time and patience, it won’t hurt you 🙂

  3. THis was a very interesting post. one thing I never bothered with was makeup and moisturizers, but now that I past the 50 mark, I”m thinking I need something to even out tones and cover small blemishes….I look awful! So, I will be considering some of the ideas put out on here. Thanks.

  4. Shelley one product that I love for smoothing out my complexion is the ulta brand self correcting tinted moisturizer sometimes they run a BOGO and I am sure other company’s have something similar. I love that I can just put on a little lipstick with that and go….I have a very uneven complexion and find it helps loads. So glad you liked this post!

  5. Karen Lynn, I just had to stop by to see what you were up to! I worked in the beauty industry for 18 years and I loved having access to all those high quality beauty products. ‘They really are superior to drug store brands, but not always budget friendly. Recently I purchased some homemade hand cream and body lotion from Dena of Creative living blog and I’m loving it! I use Avon for my daily skin care routine and pantene shampoo and conditioner for blonds. And I agree with Heidi! You are beautiful! Fun Post

    1. Deb so glad you stopped in and enjoyed the post! I had so much fun getting my makeover and you are so right their are many brands superior so I am having to be very selective of where I want to spend my beauty budget! So glad you stopped over here!

  6. My first visit to your blog was a treat!
    I started making my own deodrant last year and was pleased with the results. I wanted to avoid the aluminum in commercial deodrants and wound up making something that I liked better anyway and it was less expensive!
    Yes, I still want to feel “pretty” too, the animals have never complained about the way I look, but I like wearing a little make up. It makes me feel better. Don’t do it everyday, just when the mood strikes.

    1. Melanie so glad you stopped in! I will have to let you know how I like the deodorant results….I love what you wrote about the animals….you gotta love em’ they look forward to seeing us no matter how we look! I agree sometimes I just want to feel special 🙂

    1. Heather I am finally out of deodorant so now I finally have the motivation I need…..serious motivation to make this tomorrow! ha ha LOL! Thanks for telling me how much you like it. My other friends who are using the homemade love it too! I will be adding your blog to my blog roll this week I am enjoying following your journey!

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