This afternoon as I do everyday after work just about I visited with our chickens and collected some eggs. I often take this time to also give them some leftover scraps and we had some lettuce and asparagus leftovers. I noticed my husband had installed some hooks so I can very conveniently hang my egg basket now on the side of the chicken. He purchased two of these baskets for me so I would always have one available. For those that homestead you know how these little niceties make your every day life so much easier.
I have included a picture of how I hang the basket:
and now I have a hook to hook the lid of the coop up with so I can reach in and get the eggs:
Designing with function in mind is key to succesful and seamless homesteading although the two words in that same sentence is almost comical! Here is a link to see a picture of our coop if you have not seen it yet! I love the design my husband put together on this one! He used pallets and other recycled materials!
What are the little things that you notice that help around your homestead? I would love to hear them! As always thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
Linked to the following wonderful blog hops:
This post reminded me of the snake incident. YIKES! That picture with Noah still creeps me out. Not because of Noah, obviously, but his scaly friend.
You know what Katherine you have inspired me to do a post of the best of 2010 and 2011 and you know what that was one of the best and CREEPY!!!!
Okay, there’s something really cool about eggs in a basket…literally
Let’s see…the small thing, or rather big thing that is such a lovely convenience is having a washer for cleaning clothes
We also have a dryer, but I”m trying not to use that too much, now that we’ve got some sunshine
Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 
Heather are you able to hang your clothes on a clothesline where you live? I use our clothesline for the most of the year but really struggle to use it in the winter as much as I should. Hope all is well in California!
Hi Karen Lynn…I think one of the little things (maybe not so little) that really helps out around our homestead, is having a separate room in our chicken coop for keeping our youngsters until they are ready for the big coop. It is around 10’x10′ and is insulated so that I can start hatching chicks out fairly early in the year (like this weekend!). That is probably my favorite part about my chicken set up.
I’ve been making do with an old basket, but I think I need to upgrade soon!
Thanks for sharing the photos…love the egg basket
Lisa Lynn I bet that is wonderful I am thinking of doing a chick order soon but I’m not even ready for one….great idea!
LOL…I understand not being ready!
Lisa Lynn I will let you know if I get them!
Well, even having an egg basket would be pretty helpful! I always end up with my pockets full and then have to carry a few as well. A small improvement on our farm was using golf balls in the nest boxes. I was finding eggs in the boxes, in the corner of the coop, in the swing on the kids’ swingset, in the cat food dish, ect. They were laying them everywhere! Just sticking a golf ball in each nest cleared things right up with two days. Now everyone lays in the nest except a little Easter Egger who insists on laying her egg at my front door and I’m okay with that
Jennyerin I was having a similar problem and used a golf ball too (I read about it online don’t know where) but wow you had some eggs in crazy places we just had them rolling down the coop stairs….LOL! That is hilarious you get eggs delivered right to your front door! Yes a basket is so helpful! Thanks so much for stopping over here!
Very nice! I have 3 elderly hens right now, who aren’t doing much in the laying department. I hope to rebuild our coop and revitalize my small flock this spring.
Diana I hate the reality of having to keep our chickens with fresh young stock but currently we have 3 older hens, four younger hens, and I plan to add 3 more younger ones as it is inevitable that we have to change them over at some point……thanks for sharing about what you are doing!
Happy Friday Karen Lynn.
I love your egg baskets and the hook to help with the coop roof door. I am going to go see your coop as soon as I am done writing this.
My hubby is good with small details too. It sure makes chores easier. A few things he’s fashioned for me are wheels for large/heavy objects like my 14′ long quilting machine and the chest freezer. He made pull out drawers inside my kitchen cabinets for pots, pans, and bowls (he is still looking for an old wooden ladder to make me one of those great overhead pot racks like your hubby made for you).
My hubby is really good at fixing broken things and giving them new jobs, like yours. He scavenged parts from old wheelbarrows and pallets to make me a wood wagon. I can’t live without it now. It holds a week’s worth of wood and pulls real easy. He just made me a wall full of new shelves to get organized and doors to match from salvaged doorskin and plywood. With a little paint they keep things tidy and bright. Hubbies are the best helpers ever. Have a great weekend.
I like that!
Thanks Dolly!