Happy Friday Everyone! Since I am going to be out in the garden tomorrow morning I thought I would post “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” tonight!
You won’t believe it while I was away at my Technology Conference the Viking in my Life was at home installing the very beginnings of our colonial garden. So exciting! We are going to put trellises and an Arbor in and I cannot wait! We are going to scavenge to some degree for the trellis materials so they are as natural as possible….we will keep you posted on that we may also have some metal my husband scavenged that we may use as well.
Here he is working on the new garden!

Here is a rough sketch of his plan.
I love how he is curving the ends of the wood to fit right into the curved path in our landscaping near our outdoor shower and of course to curve around our monster of a pool smack dab in the middle of our yard! (The Pool was here when we got here but I like it…it gets hot here!) Not only that he is sticking to our daily plan of being frugal and is keeping this project under $125.00 although we may have to buy some more dirt too! Still a fairly frugal project considering. As you know I can’t run out into the garden without taking some pictures of a few other things going on!
I fed my gals some crimson clover that was apparently not for them but for my husband’s other favorite gals our honey bees……ooops well I promise you they enjoyed this special treat tonight plus they had missed me as I have been away!

And as you know it’s Saturday so it’s time for The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post. No. 15 please link up here:
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Click here to view all the link ups this week! We always have some really great ones every week you wont want to miss!
I cannot wait to hear what is going on at your homestead as you can tell I continue to have gardening and the garden on my brain. For me it all starts here if we don’t have a sustainable food source in our back yard then we are missing out on a much healthier source of food and we are missing out on huge food savings. Seeds are still inexpensive try to get involved in a seed swapping group or a seed train. Get involved with saving seeds if you can….but thats another topic
This blog post is linked up to the following wonderful blog hops:
I love reading all your posts. It gives me great ideas to keep up with our budget thinking outside of the box! Gardening is our passion as well. Cheers. Mr.CBB
Thanks so much! I love sharing and I love the fact that people take ideas and tweak them into their own…that’s what collaboration is all about…..I really love my husband’s vision on this project cannot wait to continue to report on the progress!
it looks like you’re doing great job. you’re going to have a wonderful garden and your chicken are very cute
Thanks so much Mom Photographer!
I really enjoyed all your photos and hearing about your garden-plans coming together. However, that photo with the rough sketch of your raised beds…so COOL. I was imaging what it will all look like when everything is planted and growing. It will be really nice
Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 
Heather, my husband sketched it and I have now made copies of it so I can write in my planting schedule! Glad it helped you to visualize! Hope all is well in California!
Hi Karen Lynn,
Your hubby’s plans for the colonial garden look absolutely fantastic. I am really excited for you and I can hardly wait to read about your progress. Have a productive week.