I told you I would be posting soon about the Sheldon Church Ruins and finally I am putting up a blog post again. Work has been rather hectic lately and lots to do around the homestead as well…..but all of you know all about that
First I must tell you that these ruins are simply breathtaking and quiet….the first thing you note when you visit is that it is a very solemn place.
The Church has been burnt to the ground twice once during the Revolutionary War and once during the Civil war. We even ran into a local who shared with us a story that birds and squirrels never nest on the ruins site they don’t know why. Maybe even the critters feel like this is just a sacred mysterious place.
While I was down in this area of Beaufort, South Carolina I also visited my friends grave visiting the ruins as well just felt right to me and even though I had two teenagers with me they really understood the significance of the ruins and the need to respect those who lay here.
We wanted to drive down the road and look at the plantation but the road is marked private so we had to give up on that but I bet its just wonderful too.
I hope you enjoy the photographs I took and hopefully vicariously you can feel like you visited this place too! That’s what I do when I blog hop is visit place to place its my favorite thing to do on Sunday mornings.
PS – So if I have not stopped by your blog lately and trust me I have missed my blog hopping I will be back this Sunday can’t wait to see what all of you have been up to!