Wine making is actually very simple but to make a good wine is a lot more complex. I had a friend who shared with me about making prison wine and with the cost of wine these days I tried to make some just for fun last summer and well the results were less than desirable to me but I have a friend who grew up drinking homemade concoctions and she told me it was not all that bad so I took that as high praise coming from her so I gave here and her honey a bottle since she was encouraging of the entire adventure! It was interesting it was kind of bubbly and flat all at the same time. Again there are probably about 12 bottles of this in storage and these will rarely get pulled however we could say they are part of our prepping supplies…..yep that’s it!
My husband decided he would put his hand to it and like everything he took it to a whole new level where he read up on it and made sure he had all the proper supplies he decided he wasn’t going to make prison wine but real wine. He made two blends one was a “muscadine blush” and one was a “prickle pear” from a local cactus plant. Both actually turned out really good and both cost about $1.40 a bottle to make that includes bottles we picked up from the local recycle bin and sanitized and our neighbors donated some to the cause as well!
Gotta’ love your neighbors!
The really cool thing is when we entertain everyone loves trying something that is homemade and unique but the other thing is because it is homemade and special to us we don’t break out much of it either.
Have you tried your hand at this? I think that wine making is much like bread making, cheese making or even home brewing it is an art and at least it’s pretty cool to be able to say yeah we did that! We are hoping to make some dandelion wine this next year and you know I will share that here with all of you if we do!
Also it is Saturday and that means at our house once again its Yard Sale Day a great way to earn some extra cash but it’s also time to link up to The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 23! I can’t wait to see what all of YOU are doing on YOUR homesteads! I bet you are all as busy as we are!
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I remember my parents used to make it when I was a kid
Great memories!
Ewa what great memories! It has been interesting to learn about how to make wine and also hiw much time the whole process takes.
I have made Elderberry wine, and was just thinking about starting another batch. I try to mark and set back one bottle and save it, someday we will see what they taste like when they age quite a bit longer.
Carol thats a great idea we should do that too and have a 10 or 20 year wine!
Your husband sounds so much like my husband. Lots of research…must be perfect!
Simple P he so loves doing the research
…and I will say he did a great job! Thanks for stopping by!
Inviting you to the Carnival of Home Preserving over at my blog. Hope to see you there!
Thanks so much for the invite Laura! I will definitely see what I could post over there!