Our Featured Blog This Week – Old World Garden Farms

This week’s blog post was not randomly selected and that is because while I love all of the blog posts that link up every week this one was on a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Jim and Mary at Old World Garden Farms are slowly renovating and updating their farm taking ever so much care when they can to preserve the family heritage. This past week just in time for the 4th of July they shared how they resurrected an old flag pole that used to fly at Jim’s Mom and Dad’s house. Click below to read the rest of the post I don’t want to share too much it is best to hear from their perspective:
They are doing so many innovative and creative projects at their farm I am going to share several links with you and you are going to want to make sure and stop in!
You have to first stop in and read:
I really enjoyed reading Jim & Mary’s story because in many ways we have so much in common. My dream would be to own 3 acres one day but I’m not gonna’ lie I love living 10 minutes from the beach where we can boat, fish, paddle and just sit on the beach however if I were going to get some more extensive land one of the first places I would stop is at this blog to read up on some of Jim and Mary’s ideas because let me tell you they are clearly both out of the box thinkers!
Here are some more of their blog posts…..these are just a drop in the bucket…..so read on!
Making Garden Signs From Old Barnwood
Moving 20 Ton of Rock and Boulders In Place
Grilled Pizza Dough Recipe – A Summer Must!
I will have to work on trying this Grilled Pizza Dough Recipe as it is my Pizza Challenges never took me to the pizza heights I was searching for.
It is also time for our weekly Saturday blog hop “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” I started this weekly link up so we could all see what each other are doing on our homestead’s whether it be a Suburban Homestead like mine or larger like Jim & Mary’s or acres and acres like some of you! It was so nice for me when I started this blog up almost two years ago and realized their were others like us……we weren’t crazy alone…..I have to share a funny story on that note one of my son’s Principal’s one year asked me what laundry detergent I was using because my son’s black polo’s were fading so much but it wasn’t the laundry detergent that was the issue it was me hanging his shirt up on the line so I told her that she had not heard of the detergent I used and she said “Try me” and I said I make it from scratch….she was just speechless it was a funny moment!
So what is going on at your place this week? I can’t wait to hear….and hope you link up….Not a blogger! Not a problem…click below to see all the great link ups this week!
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Have a great Friday everyone!
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I’ve been to their site before and love it! Great choice for today.
Thanks so much Karen. Heheeee you’re not crazy or alone!! Truthfully us homesteaders are the future. As the world gets wilder/hotter/angrier supplying your own will be critical…imo.
Hi Karen! Just wanted you to know that the pumpkin seeds I planted are growing nicely, in spite of the recent heat and drought! I kept them watered and one is in bloom! I can’t wait to harvest some nice Candy Roaster pumpkins from them! Blessings from Bama!
Bama Girl that is so awesome! You need to email me a photo of you with one of your pumpkins or atleast a photo of one of your pumpkins so I can feature you here on Lil Suburban Homestead!
Thanks for the update!