I am so excited to announce our featured blog this week…..this week I went to the Random.org Generator and put in a number 1 through 14 of our Linky’s this week and the number that was chosen was No. 6 Canadian Budget Binder’s Blog which I was delighted about because Mr. CBB and me have become great like-minded Virtual friends and I can’t wait to tell you all about their journey with their blog! I have to tell you all it is getting harder and harder each week to pick a blog to feature so I am going to keep changing things up on how it is selected. If you like saving money you are going to want to stick around for this feature….trust me!
The blog post Mr. CBB linked up last week to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 30” is listed below:
Mr. or Mrs. Money Bags Is that you?
I loved this blog post because lets face it when you are together at group functions etc… not only is everyone not coming from the same socio-economic background but we all do not spend money in the same way. We all have different priorities. I think people fail to realize even if we had a higher income I would still not choose to spend my money out on dinner on a regular basis it’s not the healthiest option and its also usually not the most delicious option either.
Another post I think you will really enjoy and you should bookmark Canadian Budget Binder’s site is that Mr. CBB bookmarks his favorite blog posts each week. He is highly selective I know because I have read his posts and I have visited many of the blogs he has shared and you can tell he is really looking for new and applicable blog posts that you the blog reader can relate too!
Mr. CBB’s Weekly Blog Post Picks July 20, 2012
My favorite post he does each week and the one that is nearest and dearest to my heart is “The Grocery Game Challenge”….you can tell this is a passion of their’s to stay within the budget guidelines each month (something we need to get better at) but also he breaks down prices and even coupon match ups. It’s incredible you don’t want to miss it each week!
And while Mr. CBB writes a lot about saving money you can tell him and his wife love to cook…..Check out this not only frugal recipe it looked so delicious and fresh I had to share it and I have to try it this week it is healthy and I know its going to be yummy!
Mr. CBB’s Summer Fresh Tomato Salad with Basil, Fennel and Chickpeas
Also Canadian Budget Binder now has a weekly link up for blogs so don’t miss an opportunity to get your blog’s name out there!
I just know you will enjoy reading his blog as much as I do! Click here to read all about Mr. CBB and his wife “The Mrs.” and how this all got started!
Now its time for The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Edition No. 31 this week! I guess you all know I have been cleaning and decluttering and we are having a yard sale this weekend. What are you all up to? I will be choosing a new blog to feature that has linked up every week so make sure to link up I can’t wait to share what you are doing on your homestead!
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Click here to view all of the amazing link ups this week!
I know you will enjoy perusing all of these amazing blogs as much as I do!
Wishing you a fabulous weekend!
Related articles
- Talk About Off Grid & The Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 29 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Healthy Frugal Eats & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 26 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Mr.CBB’s Weekly Blog Post Picks July 6,2012 (canadianbudgetbinder.com)
- How to Start Saving Money on Groceries in Canada (canadianbudgetbinder.com)
- It’s A Chicken Yurt & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 28 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Our Featured Blog This Week “Old World Garden Farms” & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 30 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- How High Can You Grow? & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 25 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
I am honoured Karen. Canadian Budget Binder blog all started with a piece of paper and brainstorming which I still have. I never dreamed so many people from all over the world wanted to talk about their budgets, ways to save and who love food so much. It’s been a wonderful ride and I hope it keeps on growing. I have the best fans who come back day after day for motivation from me but really what they might not know if they are motivating me each and every day! Thanks for all the love.. to all of you and please join me at the blog, on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest (I have a small addiction to Brownies
Never say Never and don’t give up!! Mr.CBB
I was so happy to feature Canadian Budget Binder! Mr. CBB its true your blog is so extensive it was difficult to summarize all that you are doing and it is clear you reading a ton of blogs and passing on great information to us that way as well! Thanks for all you do and I hope to continue learning from your blog
Thanks for sharing this post Karen Lynn
I am looking forward to checking out the CBB blog!
Thanks again for hosting the Trading Post…I look forward to reading all the great posts each week!
Lisa Lynn I know you will love it…..such a practical and in depth blog about lots of issues but I truly enjoy watching Mr. CBB crunch those numbers for the grocery game!
I love reading your posts each week….I saw you little turkey pullet on pinterest the other day and had to pin your blog 
OH that looks really interesting…I’ll have to check out Mr CBB’s blog!! Thanks for posting the link. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather