Let’s face it all those commercials we grew up with about the germs dancing in our fridge are true albeit animated so today I tackled our refrigerator and I was ruthless in terms of what stayed and what got put in the trash can. I don’t know why but I hate to clean out our refrigerator but once I am done it feels great! I can actually find everything at my finger tips.
This time I did change a few things though I decided on the door of the fridge to have one shelf just for sandwich condiments and another shelf with mostly ice cream toppings such as cherries, homemade chutney’s and whip cream along with the cream for our coffee handy.
We have a lot of fermented vegetables which are shown above and they are on a main shelf to remind us to serve them with dinner…YUM! Our children won’t reach for them but if they are out they will get munched on.
The fridge is really one of those appliances in today’s modern times that is at the hub of the household kind of like the hearth used to be. Everyone complimented me at dinner for cleaning it so when your teenager says “Mom the fridge looks great!” either you know it was really bad or it just impacts their life too.
I believe having a prepared and clean refrigerator makes it a lot easier to eat healthy and be prepared for meals so I not only consider this a “Making Your Home A Haven” category but I also consider it a prepping category too. Being prepared for the future and for every eventuality also helps you to save money on groceries in the long run.
It’s a rainy Wednesday here so I will concentrate on some inside projects today one of which is making freezer pickles. Have a peaceful day everyone….oh and thanks for stopping by our Lil’ Suburban Homestead.
Related articles
- Week By Week Kitchen Organizing: Part I (monicaricci.net)
- Refrigerator Confessions: Our Favorite Fridge Foods (formulamom.com)
- It’s Time To Clean Out Your Fridge (kuzak’s closet)
- Cleaning Out The Fridge Never Felt So Good (one frugal girl.com)
- Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie (thetownhousehomesteaders.wordpress.com)
- Practical Ways To Store Food Without A Fridge (thelazyhomesteader.wordpress.com)
I cleaned the fridge the other day too!! It was not such a pretty sight…how long ago did we buy those kalmata olives?? oy!
Anna I am not sure actually….about the olives but I have kind of a rule of thumb in terms of smell and texture…and it has worked for me so far! They still look good and they are not slimy. Doesn’t it feel good to get that fridge cleaned out?
I clean my fridge regularly, but sometimes things get put in cottage cheese containers that are not cottage cheese. Those things usually turn “pretty colors”!
Ann29foot….I should be more of a maintenance cleaner but I have so much more fun with my chickens, or in the garden
That being said I know what you mean clear containers work so much better!