Decisions….Decisions…..each week we have been having some fantastic blog articles link up to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” and this week has been no exception but because it has been so hot and because my cucumbers did not do fantastic this year this was an easy pick for me I chose “Cranky Puppy’s When Life Gives You Cucumbers Make Cucumber Soup“….no I haven’t tried it yet but I have cucumbers in the fridge for this very occasion this weekend! I have been craving cucumbers….I truly love them! I love them plain or pickled it really doesn’t matter. I am actually making freezer pickles today which are delicious too.
When I first stumbled up on Cranky Puppy Farm via the internet my first thought is that she conveyed her message brilliantly via her blog header on her website I mean from first glance I learned a lot of what her blog was about. I love the messy post-it because it reminds me of the way that I write out my lists of things to do.
This is the tagline as it reads on her site….it compells you to stop in, stay awhile and poke around.
This blog belongs to two Gen X-er’s smackdab in downtown Kansas City where we’ve been renovating and decorating two old Victorians built in the 1890’s. Our life is filled with 3 demanding Pomeranians (1 of them cranky, of course), honking cars, noisy neighbors and the hustle and bustle of city life but we dream of the day when we can move to our 40-acre farm and hear nothing but the wind and the cows next door. Until then, we’re chronicling our triumphs and mishaps here as we try to garden and preserve on 2 city lots, raise chickens, and learn all those things we should have learned from our grandparents. Welcome to our world – we hope you’ll stay awhile!
They are a couple that owns 40 acres and they will be building their dream homestead on this site. Click here to see!
Some of my favorite blog articles written by Cranky Puppy Farm:
Beat The Heat Watermelon Slushies

You definitely have to get over there to Cranky Puppy Farm it’s just like taking a virtual field trip to the country and she just has a real unique way at looking at the world….Isn’t that what we are looking for when we go blog hopping? I know I am looking for clever innovative ideas that are going to make my life easier and that have been tested by someone else.
I really do hope you take a look at her blog I know you will so enjoy it!
It’s time for our weekly blog Saturday blog hop “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 33
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Click here to read all of the amazing blog posts that linked up this week!
I am also really excited about next week’s “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” in honor of celebrating our 2nd Birthday on August 10th we are going to have a very special giveaway that is near and dear to my heart! There will be a couple of ways to enter this giveaway but I want to make sure that you know ahead of time it is coming up. One of the ways to enter though will be linking up to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” and instead of featuring one of our fabulous blog link ups we are going to feature a topic that is related to the giveaway! So I hope to see you then to celebrate this exciting milestone with us!
Have a great weekend!
Related articles
- Our Featured Blog This Week “Canadian Budget Binder” & “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Edition No. 31″ (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- How High Can You Grow? & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 25 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Dog House Upcycle To A Chicken aka “Chick” House & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 27 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- It’s A Chicken Yurt & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 28 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Our Featured Blog This Week “Little Homestead On The Hill” & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 32 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Here Chickie Chickie Chickie…..& The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 24 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Our Featured Blog This Week “Old World Garden Farms” & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 30 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Talk About Off Grid & The Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 29 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Making Your Own Vino is Truly Better & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 23 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Healthy Frugal Eats & The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 26 (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
Yay for Cranky Puppies. We have a few of those here.
Cool blog, I’m anxious to spend more time browsing. Linking up…thanks again for hosting!
Jenny too funny…;)…I think it is a really cool blog too….so glad you linked up this week I also look forward to reading your posts
Wow, Jenny! Thank you SO MUCH for featuring me. I can’t tell you how flattered I am…truly flattered. Honestly, I can’t believe anyone wants to read my drivel. Ha!
I just signed up on the OSHTDP hop…thanks again for hosting it every week, as I love seeing what you and everyone else is up to. Hope you have a great weekend!
Cranky Puppy I love reading your posts each week and was so excited to feature your blog! You have such a good one and its chock full of information!
Cranky Puppy I love reading your posts each week and was so excited to feature your blog! You have such a good one and its chock full of information!
By the way thanks for linking up this week!