Are you up for a festive frugal holiday craft? I am not typically a crafty person myself as a matter of fact I was invited to my very first Pinterest party recently and was so glad the hostess is choosing the projects we are going to do as I can be a little challenged in the Arts/Crafts area but I love to do them! So recently I realized we had a ton of big, gorgeous, beautiful pine cones in our yard so I decided to go to Pinterest and find instructions on making a wreath but mine ended up being much much simpler so I will tell you how I made it and I know you can make it too. This is going to hang on a tree in my front yard. The only thing that would make it better is if I would just smear them all with peanut butter and put seeds on it for the birds
So all I did was go to a local craft store and buy a foam wreath, some floral wire, some gold glitter, and some glue sticks for my glue gun as I was out of them. I also had some gold tule and some gold ribbon.
I had my handsome teenage son collect some pine cones for me and I told him to make sure to grab the ones that are most beautiful!
- So first I wrapped gold tule around the foam wreath. You can just tuck it under tightly.
- Then I lined up the pinecones how I wanted them on the wreath and you want them to be kind of tightly fit together but don’t put them too tight yet.
- Then I hot glued all of the pinecones into place.
- Next I tied them all with floral wire onto the wreath and for me this was easier to do after I glued them. This is when I made sure all of the pine cones were all overlapping together tightly.
- Then I dabbed white elmers glue all around the tips of the pine cones mainly the ones facing the front and then I sprinkled gold glitter all over them. (This part is messy) Don’t forget to be frugal and save your glitter!
- I let it dry overnight and then the next day I tied a gold ribbon where it would fit easily. This ribbon can also be used to hang your wreath up.
This wreath is very frugal my total for all items was under $9.00 but I not have a ton of glue sticks and glitter for other projects! It is always nice around this time of year to decorate your life with ornaments and other projects too!
I am actually quite pleased with the ease and simplicity of this project and how nicely it turned out! Have a great time decorating your life and the lives of others!
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- Happy Holidays From Our Homestead To Yours (
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- 3 ways to turn pine cones into sparkly decor (
- how to make glittery pine cones (
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- Cheap and Easy DIY Christmas Wreath (
Beautiful! Grandson and I went to a neighbor’s pond where there are pine trees and cones all over. Gathered them to make a wreath. I made one years ago, maybe remember how.
Your post inspires me! Thanks.
Thanks Curtiss Ann and so glad I did! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! This was a snap to make
and you know I won’t do it if its not simple….ha ha
Awesome job Karen!! I bet to buy a wreath like that you would pay $25 for it. It pays to be crafty! I enjoy Pinterest myself although my obsession is men’s clothes and brownies… no crafty in me.. at least not yet. Shared on FB! they love it! Mr.CBB
Oh thanks Mr. CBB! I have been out all day long…had to go to my friends Mom funeral and then had family over dinner. Thanks for the share!
No problem Karen, it’s got a couple shares from my page as well so I’m sure it will get busy!! Enjoy your evening mate. Mr.CBB
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
I have sooooo many posts wish I had more time!
Living in Oregon, I have access to a ton of pinecones, mainly cluttering up my front yard. What a fun idea! I got my kids’ friends together to make wreaths for their families. Bingo – clean yard, busy kids, happily surprised families. Win-wn-win. Does it get any better? Yes. Add cinnamon oil for a wonderful aroma if using indoors!
Rose I love the idea of adding cinnamon oil for that wonderful holiday aroma! Why is it that I crave those lovely yummy smells this time of year? I had so much fun making ours and my son even used to help me pick them up out of the yard….good times and good memories. Happy Holidays friend! ( I know a little bit early)