We are very grateful this year at our Lil’ Suburban Homestead that we all have had a healthy year and have been blessed with more blessings and surrounded by those we love and who love us in return than we could ever imagine. I could only hope the same good fortune for all of you. Many of you have seen the “Money Bags” posts this year and I too hoped for extra riches by way of a windfall this year I mean who wouldn’t? But the riches I received this year have far surpassed any monetary gain which by the way I am still open too…;) I have made new friends, I have become closer to some of our friends we already had, I have had the opportunity to help others which I have learned I am so rewarded when I give to others in a way that I simply can’t measure. I have learned new skills this year some digitally and some old-fashioned skills.
When I was young while I really enjoyed time with family and the family dinners etc….sometimes I would think what is the point of all the gift giving, the commercialism, etc….I would think really Jesus is truly the reason for the season…why bother to do all the rest? But as I have aged I get the point…..we will grow up, we will grow older, we will make new friends, but in the end it is the fellowship with friends and family and taking the time to acknowledge someone with a gift which is basically a validation of that other person’s existence. Truly when you think of it when you give someone something whether it’s a candle to just make their room smell great, or some homemade lotion you are saying…”I see you” and I think I can give you something that you will enjoy! It’s not a huge thing but it’s powerful when you really think about it!
I am truly very thankful for my blog, twitter, and Facebook readership! All of you continue to inspire me and my family to grow and evolve our Lil’ Suburban Homestead. Who knows maybe a fainting goat is in our future next? It’s because of all of you that I continue to write and my husband “The Viking In My Life” continues to come up with new and innovative ideas!
Thanks for listening to my Christmas musings and I wish you and yours a Happy Holiday Season no matter what you believe I hope you get to spend some time with family and friends this holiday season and The Vikings says make sure you eat some bacon
Related articles
- Primitive Canning Pantry Cupboard – Happy Early Christmas To Us! (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- The Celebrate Like Scrooge Christmas Gift Exchange (canadianbudgetbinder.com)
- A Cape Cod Christmas Tree (deborahjeansdandelionhouseblogspot)
- Pinterest Party (thewaygrandmamadoesitblogspot)
- Good Solstice & Merry Christmas (oceannah.wordpress.com)
- Freezer Mishap Turns Out Amazing Lamb Burritos (lilsuburbanhomestead.wordpress.com)
- Merry Christmas From Our Homestead To Yours (prairiehomestead.com)
- Gingerbread Cookies Change Everything (momphotographer.wordpress.com)
- “…May your days be merry and bright!” (homebodychic.com)
- His Presence is Our Present (chanteea.wordpress.com)
Merry Christmas friend!
Merry Christmas Lisa!
Merry Christmas, Karen Lynn! See ya on the other side!
Merry Christmas to you Kristi!
Merriest of the merry!
Merry Christmas Karen and Family!!! Mr.CBB
Merry Christmas Mr. CBB and Mrs. CBB!
So happy to have connected with you via the internet! One day stop in when you are in coastal NC!