It’s Friday evening once again everyone and time for the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post but this Friday I am so excited to announce the winner of our “Candy Roaster Pumpkin Seed” Plus Root Vegetable Seed Assortment giveaway that was randomly selected by Rafflecopter. I have verified all entries of the lucky winner and it is:
I will be emailing you to get your address so I can get those seeds out in the mail to you straight away.
Here is our blog hop badge if you would like to share it on your website:
I think I fixed this badge so if you had issues they should be resolved now!
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post is back and I hope all of you will link up and guess what anyone can link up as long as your post is homesteading related! I cannot wait to see what all of you have been up too and I have so missed connecting and hearing about what you all are doing at your homesteads.
I do ask that all posts are rated G, family friendly, no carnival or link up ads, and no spam!
We have had such a crazy week so my husband The Viking in my life has not had time to make a new hod to give away this week but he did spend some time chopping down our Bradford Pear tree in our backyard this week.
Bradford Pear Trees have a reputation in hurricane affected areas for not being the best trees to keep around once they get older and this tree was one of those so the spot where it was will now hold my peach tree I won last year at our local gardening club raffle! I will post a pic of it once it blooms! Here are the pictures of the Bradford Pear Tree all over my backyard and it didn’t even look that big!
I do ask that you link back to this posting either in each individual post or you can snag The Ole’ Homesteading Trading Post badge and place it in your sidebar widget. Either or is much appreciated
I would love to see posts on:
- sewing
- raising rabbits or any other livestock for meat/butchering posts
- soap making
- making your own lotions and potions
- solutions for making life easier
- gardening
- raising chickens a subject near and dear to my heart
- bee keeping
- crocheting/knitting
- crafts
- sustainable living (such as composting, solar power etc…)
- Off Grid
- Preparedness/Prepping
- Book Inspirations
- Recipes/Cooking
- Thoughts/Musings/Ideas
- Homesteading Fun
- Raising Our Children/Families
- Homeschooling
- Frugality/Bargain Hunting Thrift Store Finds
- Vintage/Antique
- Being Active
- Financial/Saving Money/Budget
- Dumpster Diving
and much more that I can not even think of because you have already thought of it I am sure! The Ole’ Saturday Trading Post will open up for link ups every Friday evening! Last week we had the following amazing bloggers link up to share their expertise and knowledge with all of us but you need to know these bloggers are not only ready and willing to share their knowledge with you. But many of them are some of the most creative and resourceful bloggers I have personally connected with! Make sure to check them out!!!!! I promise you will be absolutely delighted!
Don’t forget if you have been featured at Lil’ Suburban Homestead that you can also display this badge on your website!

I am so glad you came by to join us at The Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post what I love mostly about this hop is that it is for all things homesteading related and as pioneers did and made everything themselves the sky is truly the limit. I hope you link up this week and if not just come in and look around at these amazing bloggers I am always so glad I take the time to read and personally respond to each and every link up! I get to meet new homesteading friends, ask questions and learn new skills and so can you!
You know my motto “If you have a home you’re a homesteader” and in my opinion homesteading is a state of mind so whether you are in an apartment, a townhouse, on a huge ranch or in suburbia like me if you are getting out there and doing stuff everyday to become more self-sufficient you are already there! Have a great weekend everyone!
Related Articles:
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Edition No. 16 & Homemade Corn Tortillas(lilsuburbanhomestead)
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 8 – Book Review “When All Hell Breaks Loose – Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes” (lilsuburbanhomestead)
Here Chickie Chickie Chickie…..& The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 24 (lilsuburbanhomestead)
Related Pins:
Around My Lil’ Suburban Homestead
Gardening Ideas
Good morning Karen! Thank you so much for hosting. I’m sharing two posts this week. One is a canning tutorial that includes a recipe using the canned product (chuck roast and carrots) and the other is part of a series I’ve started on the first year living on our homestead. Hope all is well. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jenny I cannot wait to read both of your posts! One of my favorite joys is setting some time aside to read all of the blog posts that link up this week. This week I am setting aside tomorrow evening and I cannot wait I am particularly intrigued with your chuck roast and carrots because this is a fave of the guys in my life! Hope all is well with you and I guess I will learn more when I begin to read your series of your life on your homestead I can’t wait!
We’re new to the homesteading/blogging scene (less than five months), so we’re really excited to be a part of this community and to connect with you. I shared a recipe last week and this week – really simple and SO kid-friendly. We have a child on the spectrum and another who is just plain picky, so my recipes are generally ones that will please just about any palate. Really love reading everyone’s posts, too. Thanks for being a place where we can build community!
Sarah so glad you stopped in and joined us that cake recipe you linked up looks absolutely amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this post and I can’t wait to see more! I had one picky child and one not picky child we got through it thank goodness! I had one allergic to fish and one not allergic to anything…..but I so appreciate your kind words because a goal of mine is to have a place where people can share and teach eachother new skills to aid us in our journey to self sufficiency
Have a great Sunday!