Hey ya’ll!
As I shared on our Facebook Page we have been doing a lot of yard work trying to make our lil’ suburban homestead more efficient and a little more appealing for me to hang out in during the summer and to entertain friends as well!
I don’t know if I have shared with all of you but we have an outside shower that we use to rinse our feet off or just simply take a shower it is so wonderful because the way The Viking in my life designed it you can see the sky and in the evening as the sky is becoming dark it is just peaceful, serene and invigorating.
We also won a beautiful rose at our local gardening club raffle and I just have to show you it is just inspiring! I hope you think so too and it smells so fragrant. Don’t you just love Spring?
I caught one of our globe artichokes not quite ready but so tempting!
That is my African Blue Basil right behind it.
Oh and you have to see our Crimson Clover and our Borage flowering too!
I also love to take snapshots of our bees coming and going from the hive with their bodies all covered in pollen this would have been a great shot for the zoom lens.
Look at these tagalongs I picked up all over my pants and shoes I had to wear pants the mosquitos are awful this time of year especially when its close to dusk. It’s really a wonder I get any work done with all the pictures I spy but I love capturing the moments in our backyard this time of year it is fleeting but I so enjoy it! I hope all of you that are able to are getting outside and enjoying the Spring while we have it. Have a great week everyone and thank you so much for taking your precious time out of your busy schedule to stop in!
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White Bat Flower
Congrats on winning the Rose contest!! I love your homestead!! That artichoke is huge. I love marinated artichokes but that’s the only way I have enjoyed them. How do you prepare them? The outside shower is pretty cool and I’m sure comes in handy. Thanks for sharing this Karen!
Glad you liked the post Mr. CBB
I have never had them marinated we usually steam them and dip them in butter they are so yummy that way! How do you make yours? Thanks for stopping by Oh and yes I love that outdoor shower
I just love the shower!!! It sounds so wonderful!
Ewa it is I love it