You guys gotta’ know this I love peppers and I love them in all shapes and sizes but I have to clarify I love sweet peppers my favorite being the gypsy hybrid which grows wonderfully for us in Coastal, North Carolina.
My husband on the other hand loves hot peppers…..he loves them all and he even strings them up for use later on. He collects pepper seeds when we buy heirloom vegetables at the farmers market it’s another hobby of his.
I love pepper poppers, stuffed peppers, fajita mix, fresh peppers in dip, peppers in salad, peppers in omelettes or frittatas. For the longest time my husband called me the Tomato Queen but my back up would definitely be the Pepper Princess
Peppers have so many other uses for example you can dehydrate them and grind them up in your mortar and pestle and then you can have a variety of pepper powders and make your own seasonings too!
Peppers are so beneficial for may reasons and did you know new research that has been done on rats has shown that hot peppers may actually protect the stomach lining from damage (Bowden, The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth) who knew? Not only that but the capsaicin in pepper can also provide pain relief and raises your feel good endorphins. So this year even I the gal that loves sweet peppers is going to try to make some room for some hot peppers in my life one way I thought I might do this is via pepper jelly since I love pepper jelly maybe I will make some “Hot” Pepper or Chili Jam and sneak some hot stuff in on my quesadillas and other mexican recipes I love. Although I do think there will be no sneaking them in….the last time I accidentally rubbed a hot pepper on my face my lip swelled up. I am apparently very sensitive!
Have a great Friday everyone! Hope you enjoyed this fun post!
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You can also use them to make a pest spray.
Another great idea for them! I think my husband has done that before but not this year….thanks for stopping in Katherine!