Simple Summer Blueberry Crisp

gluten free blueberry crispEvery  now and then I try to take an old-fashioned recipe like a blueberry crisp that has been around for years and try to make it a little more special in this case the addition of the pecan flour and the cardamom was just the thing. This recipe has definitely exceeded my expectations and I am proud to share it with all of you. My mission was to make an amazing gluten-free blueberry crisp that did not require fancy ingredients and also worthy of taking over to our dear friends house who live a gluten-free lifestyle.  I realize that oatmeal cannot always be guaranteed to be 100% gluten-free because of cross contamination with wheat but many people who eat a gluten-free lifestyle do include oatmeal in their diet.

Since berries are in season in the summer I could not resist trying this recipe out and I have plenty in the freezer as I picked up a case of them at our local blueberry festival.  My friend knew that we were bringing a blueberry crisp so the bonus was she had her creamy vanilla bean homemade ice-cream already made it was the perfect summer dessert pairing.

blueberries drizzled with honey

The recipe is simple using only whole ingredients that most people readily have available in their pantry and  you know I love to keep things easy but a key is having delicious tasting blueberries so choose wisely. pecans


  • 4 C. blueberries rinsed and drained
  • 1 1/2 C. Oatmeal (Place 1/2 C. of oatmeal in the food processor and reserve the other 1 C. of oatmeal for the mix later)
  • 1/2 C. pecans
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • 3 TBSP. butter
  • 1tsp. olive oil
  • 1/4 C. Honey plus 1 TBSP. honey

adding honey into the crisp mixture

ground cardamom


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Brush the olive oil on a 9 X 9 casserole dish.
  • Place the blueberries in the dish.
  • Drizzle 1 TBSP. of honey all over the berries.
  • Place 1/2 C. pecans and 1/2 C. oatmeal into the food processor and pulse until it becomes a mixed nut and oat flour and place in bowl.
  • Open up your cardamon pods and grind up the seeds inside in your mortar and pestle.
  • Add the cardamom and cinnamon to the mixture in the bowl.
  • In the meantime melt the butter.
  • Add the butter, oatmeal, and honey.
  • Stir mixture all together and spread the mixture over the blueberries.
  • Place in the 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes.

blueberry crisp

I hope all of you enjoy this recipe as much as we did and that you all have a wonderful week ahead.


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11 thoughts on “Simple Summer Blueberry Crisp

    1. Katherine it really turned out way better than I could have hoped for it’s funny how the addition of a special spice such as cardamom kind of gives it a whole new twist. Do you include oatmeal in your diet at all? I know you eat primarily a grain free diet so I am just curious….have a great day and thanks for stopping in!

  1. We just bought 6 pints of blueberries today at the grocery store and we had blueberries and yogurt for dessert tonight. I might make a crisp for me since the wife doesn’t eat sweets much any more. I love anything sweet…. great recipe Karen thanks.

  2. I love crisps of any kind! We didn’t get as many blueberries put away this year so I am being stingy with the ones we do have 🙂 I have been making eggplant crisp though, as an apple crisp alternative

    1. Sarah so how does the eggplant crisp take I have never heard of this and eggplants grow quite nicely for me I would love to hear more about this…have you posted this on your blog? Thanks so much for your comment & visit 🙂

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