Hi everyone!
I thought this was as good as time as any to discuss some of our preparations around our Lil’ Suburban Homestead for the future and what our goals are this summer. Until recently we had a very clear plan of our bug out site, what we would take with us etc…however we are making changes to some of our plans nothing major but we are looking for lighter backpacks, better footwear, and just making sure we are more prepared. We do not have plans to hunker down in one place as much as people say to me all the time that they will come stay with us in the event of a catastrophe after watching The Walking Dead and Revolution ( I know they are just television shows) But it points out clearly that being on the move is the wise thing to do and most likely will be a big part of our plan.
What about you if something happened such as the lights went out would you hunker down or would you get on the move? Do you consider yourself a prepper?
Another item we are discussing is just what is going to go in our back packs and how much food we will need to serve us well whether it is a long-term emergency or a short-term emergency. Another reason I am very glad that I have made changes to my eating the last couple of years and this year even eating less is that my body will have the ability to survive on less. I have ramped up my gym work outs to include more Peak Fitness time so that I can see how my body reacts to periods of being out of breath.
Prepping is mental too as my car air conditioner is broken and even though I have an option to take another car to work but I have decided to stick it out and let my body get used to the heat. I find I quickly get edgy and irritable and this is not a bad thing?
Are you addressing your own preparations for the future? Have you thought about some of these things?
Oh and before I forget I wanted to announce the winner of the wonderful children’s book that I had the privilege of doing a book review for and my nieces loved this book and gave it a resounding thumbs up!
The winner is Geri E. and has been notified via email that she has won!
You can purchase this wonderful book for the little prepper in your life
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!
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love the blog and all the great information..just curious on your opinions about being on the move in an emergency. guess that’s great if there are lots of places you can go but with possible fuel problems, shutdowns, etc not quite sure of that scenerio. we have talked about it alot but are already rural. I’m an NC’er also!!!
Unlike you we are not rural….we would wait to see what others do to some extent…..if our whole neighborhood left we might stay but we are realistic and do feel that being in a more isolated area would offer protection. My husband has taken note of some places obviously I cannot share that information however…some of our decisions depend on circumstance. My goal is to continue to get fit to keep up with my family….my daughter is a couple of hours away so I want her to know the plan as well. If anything those shows teach us (not the zombies because that’s just silly) but logistics become CRAZY SCARY. I am hoping we will come up with something solid enough that we can stay in touch and be safe. We are not filthy rich but I am learning to live on less and less calories some days only eating meat and veggies but of course this is America and I can eat a lot more than I would during an emergency. What do you think you would do? Thanks for the kind words about my blog
we too are looking at getting more fit and healthy. we lived in clayton for awhile and it was so hard going back in the city and feeling so closed in. since nc mountains are used extensively by the military, probably not a good bug out place, lol.. so we do as much as financially possible with what we have and trust the Lord for our ultimate keeping. guess the thing that bothers me is so many seem to not care or have a clue and that’s scarier than emergency itself. we have no family and closest friends that even think the same will be in minnesota..my hubby works an hour away so just knowing what to do if we couldn’t communicate is important to us. during 911 my sister and husband were seperated by a plane ride and couldn’t communicate, planes were grounded, no phone, etc. was a scary time for her..keep up the great work on your blog,!!!! I want to blog but don’t have a clue where to begin. I was a city girl and God took me down a country path and I too love to share what He has shown me the last 20 years..ibe blessed!
I agree so many folks just think that it’s not even a possibility but as history has told us we will face emergencies and the better prepared we are the better off. I don’t think we would go as far as the mountains but it would be cooler in the summer LOL! Thanks for your encouragement regarding my blog. I strongly encourage anyone who wants to start one to start with wordpress.com and just write from your heart that is the best place to start and wordpress makes it really easy and if you decide to go to your own domain one day there are lots of experts on the net for hire that can help you move it
Good luck and keep in touch!