Home Canning & Preserving Giveaway!

Home Canning And Preserving Giveaway

Canning And Preserving Giveaway
We as a group decided to have another All American Pressure Canner Giveaway but we wanted to add one more item this time! You guessed it, we want some lucky winner to have both, one All American Presssure Canner AND one Ball Water Bath Canner! Who wouldn’t like to win both? So we put our money together to thank you our awesome readers for your loyalty to our blogs. We also want to introduce you to some new blogs, make some new friends and learn more about being self-reliant and so much more!

Here are the blogging friends involved in this Home Canning and Preserving Giveaway:

Linda @ Food Storage Moms
Lisa @ The Survival Mom
Todd @ Prepper Website
Mary Ellen @ That’s My Home
Jennifer @ Are We Crazy, Or What?
Janet @ Timber Creek Farm
Julie @ Home Ready Home
Annie @ Montana Homesteader
Angela @ Food Storage And Survival
Patrick @ Survival At Home
Michael @ The BackYard Pioneer
Melissa Willis @ Ever Growing Farm
Tiffany Davis @ Imperfectly Happy
Donna @ Sharing Lifes Abundance
Pj @ Survival For Blondes
Laurie @ Common Sense Homesteading
Jane @ Mom With A Prep
Leah @ Fabulous Farm Gal
Debbie @ Kneaded Creations
Karen @ Lil’ Suburban Homestead
Melissa @ Melissa K. Norris

This giveaway is open to all legal residents of the 48 continental United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years of age and older at the time of entry. The giveaway starts June 30th, 2014 at 5:00 am (MDT) and ends on July 7th, 2014 at 5:00 pm (MDT). We will choose a winner at the end of the giveaway and that person will be notified by email. They will have 48 hours to respond. If they do not respond we will choose another winner. Good luck to everyone and here’s to canning and preserving our own food!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is a photo of some of our beautiful handmade home canned foods! This past year we made canned tomatoes, canned applesauce, salsa, apple butter, crab apple jelly, and fish stew just to name a few!

homemade applesauce at Lil' Suburban Homestead

I don’t know about all of you but I absolutely love canning and preserving food for the future! It’s a way in which I get to control the quality of the food that my family and I eat and I get to also have more influence over the variety and spices etc….

Isn’t it exciting to know that you made this and tucked it all in your canning cupboard! So glad you entered the giveaway and I wish all of you the best of luck!

Karen Lynn

Other Canning Posts You may Enjoy!

Easy Guides to Canning Your Own Foods – The Survival Mom

Get Prepared For Canning Season – Food Storage Moms

Homemade Carrot Marmalade – Canadian Budget Binder

Dressed Up Canning Jars – Timber Creek Farmer

How To Make Low Sugar Grape Vanilla Jelly – Melissa K. Norris

Crock Pot Apple Butter – Lil’ Suburban Homestead

11 thoughts on “Home Canning & Preserving Giveaway!

      1. Thank you!!! That exact
        pressure canner has been on my wish list way too long….. needs to be in my kitchen! 🙂

  1. wow that is a lot of entries!! the chances of winning are so tiny! haha i still hope i win!

  2. Thanks for this contest! I am a newbie & hoping that this will offset my costs! I usually sell the produce out of my garden, but this year, I am going to preserve some of it! We will see how it goes! Thanks again!

    1. Good luck Susie! thank you so much for stopping in and I know you will enjoy putting some of that produce back for yourself this year 🙂

I Love Hearing From All Of You! Thanks for sharing!

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