Good Morning everyone!
I am so excited about this book giveaway and my interview that will be airing tomorrow on The Survival Mom Radio Network with Author Annie Dodds who wrote the book “A Widows Walk Off-Grid To Self Reliance: An inspiring, true story, of courage and determination”…not only that but Annie has offered to offer one of you your very own copy of this inspiring book for this giveaway!
I can vouch that from the time I started reading this book I did not want to put the book down and without spoiling too much I have to share that Annie faced so much adversity and responded with a pioneering spirit that is at times awe-inspiring and at times heart breaking but through out all that Annie faces she has a spirit of determination and courage and yet is just an amazing person to talk to and was so excited that I had the first hand opportunity to interview her! Truthfully I could not wait to make the phone call and unfortunately time was so short I had to end our interview much sooner than I would like. Annie is the real McCoy, the real deal and I feel privileged to have basked in her presence ever so briefly.
I know you will all love this story as much as I did and you won’t want to miss the interview as soon as the interview goes live I will update the link for all of you as well right here in this blog post! The winner can request to have this book sent to them in large print as well.
To enter please follow instructions on the Rafflecopter Widget below:
If you want to purchase this book for yourself and you don’t want to wait.
Make sure to visit the Survival Mom Radio network tomorrow and listen to this fabulous show! I can’t wait!
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So interested in this book! Just a thing and I don’t know if it matters but when I clicked on the Feedburner button if said this “The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled”. BUT, it allowed me to hit the button that said I subscribed and the directions said it wouldn’t if I weren’t actually subscribed so maybe it worked and Feedburner is just in a mood!
Thanks Tessa I will check on the feedburner issue! Gotta love feedburner LOL! Good luck I loved this book!
I would love to read this book!
Anna this book is wonderful! Good Luck!
I’ve been looking to buy your book for some time now but just haven’t had the money. The ‘tease’ read BHM put up a while ago make it clear to me I wanted to read more and admire your determination. I WILL get your book…Some day.
Lee I will definitely share your comments with Annie she will so appreciate it! Good luck on the giveaway!
This is one of the best reads ever! I feel like Annie was a friend and I hated for the book to be finished.
Sandy that is how I felt too! Annie is so personable and just welcomes you right into her journey via the book!
This book sounds great and now I’ve found out about your site. Good day!
Thank you so much KD for stopping by and good luck on the giveaway!
I would love to read this book. As a widow and single mom trying to become a more sustainable family it has really intrigued me.
Tammy it was a wonderful read and Annie’s determination is a thing to behold. I wish you the best of luck in the giveaway. Here is the link to the show today:
I had trouble with Feedburner too.
Otherwise, thanks for offering this book! Sounds great.
Sorry Tamara about the feedburner sign up Thanks for trying I tried it and it worked for me I guess I need to go figure it out LOL! …so glad you entered the giveaway and good luck!
Wow, sounds good!
I didn’t see a “contact me” spot anywhere? I wanted to email you something..
Nancy sorry about that my email is
I’m here-