Hi ya’ll!
I haven’t really posted an update in a while so I thought I would say Happy Labor Day to all of you! I am always appreciative of your readership and just wanted to let you know how things are going! I am back to work and it has been super busy but I have to tell you that even so I planned so well this summer that I have yet another incredible giveaway coming to all of you this week and it’s a fantastic opportunity! I also have some amazing guests lined up for the month of September for my weekly podcast if I do say so myself for The Survival Mom Radio Network! More to come from me soon on all The Survival Mom is going to have going on but I will be involved some so that update will be coming soon!
As you know Mike the Gardener from Average Person Gardening has been guest posting for our blog and you have all responded that you are really enjoying his posts so I have to let him know that for sure! His zucchini post was my most popular post on my blog this month and I have another surprise Guest Poster next Sunday and for those of you that are really thinking about investing in livestock or moving to a farm you will want to make sure you check out this post!
The honey harvest is going amazing this year I am all suited up and working today I was delegated to hive beetle duty and I am constantly learning more and more about the bees. We have a great looking honey harvest this year it’s just absolutely beautiful! I love the smell of the honey when we carry it in and as we extract it and the next morning our house smells literally like cotton candy but better it’s like something out of a dream! You can see how proud I am in the photo at the top!
My weekly podcast on The Survival Mom Radio Network airs every Tuesday and last week I had the Wisconsin vegetable Gardener on my show and we spoke with Holly Baird and she really had some great information to share about fall gardening and my update on who will be on my show this coming Thursday was announced on facebook and it will be going out in my newsletter this evening so keep an eye out for that!
Seriously I know I say it all the time but if you get a chance listen to some of the other Survival Mom Radio show hosts they are amazing and while we may crossover on topics we all bring something different to the table! You never know you may just find your next favorite radio show host!
I will as always try to keep the latest shows updated on my Radio Show host tab here on my blog!
Now you may have noticed some changes on the blog….I commissioned my friend blog owner of Peaceful Acres Farm to do the artwork for my blog! I love it she is so talented and I really wanted to have our own unique look to the blog and I even added some turquoise barn boards for the background…one turqoise is my favorite color and two barn boards represent that homesteading spirit I try to bring to life and to others!
I also created drop down menus that tie into the categories I share most often about I may have too many categories right now but with years of material now I wanted you all to have the ability to search it out a little easier. I hope you find it more user friendly and please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions for me you can always email me at lilsuburbanhomestead@gmail.com.
As you all know my motto is whether you are in an apartment, a farm, suburbia or wherever you are…”If you have a home you’re a homesteader”.
Thanks for joining us on the journey and I wish you a beautiful week!
Other Honey of A Blog Posts You May Enjoy!
Crock Pot Turkey Meatballs in a Honey Barbecue Sauce – Canadian Budget Binder
17 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Honey But Should! – The Survival Mom
Glad to hear all is going well and the new blog design is great. Happy Labour Day.
Thanks Mr. CBB it’s a work in progress I slowly but surely am learning more about blog design and what I want it to look like etc……sometimes I have to hit the drawing board literally several times
I appreciate your kind words
Hope all is well in Canada and with you and the Mrs.