Excalibur 9-tray Dehydrator Giveaway
“I am so excited everyone to be able to participate in this giveaway truthfully food dehydration is one of my favorite methods of food preservation it’s an ancient practice and amazingly we can preserve foods by just simply dehydrating them what a concept!“
An Excalibur dehydrator is on every homesteader, gardener and prepper’s wishlist. It is the elite when it comes to dehydrators!
Several of our members have come together to purchase one of these great machines and give you the opportunity to win an Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator with a 26 hour timer. This model sells for $349. It’s basic black and with its 9 trays, adjustable thermostat and 7″ 600 watt fan it means business!
What Can You Use the Excalibur For? Well Lots Of Things Actually So Let’s Get Started!
You can make Beef Jerky!
Dehydrating Apples!
How about Dehydrating Radishes?
Learn How To Dehydrate Blueberries or How to Dehydrate Potatoes To Make Your Own Potato Granules/Flakes. Have you ever tried to dry pineapple for your own homemade trail mix? These 23 Practical Ideas to Get More Out of Your Dehydrator will get you excited for sure!
Meet the Participating Bloggers(I’m Always Excited To Team Up With My Fellow Homestead Bloggers!
Timber Creek Farm
Little Big Harvest
The Flip Flop Barnyard
Walking Softly Upon the Earth
The Easy Homestead
Little Blog on the Homestead
Montana Homesteader
Homestead Chronicles
Enter to Win
This giveaway is open to residents of the contiguous United States. Entrants must be age 18 or older to enter. Giveaway runs from October 15th – 22nd. Winner will be drawn October 23rd and emailed. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to the email before another entrant is chosen.
I wish you the best of luck!
*Affiliate Link
Hey, Karen!
I’ve just been cruising thru the blogs and enjoying the diversity. I just explained to my hubby that I would love to do blogging but the only internet we have is VERY poor. Most of the time I can’t do much of anything. I try not to let it run video since that uses up so much. I hate missing some of the DIY videos, tho, since I know I could understand more if I watched it being done. That’s what you get when you have no money and you’re in the sticks. I’ve been entering all the give-aways, but since I never win anything I just do it for fun. I did, once, win a clock. But it stopped working within a few weeks, so I don’t think that counts! I put in a fairly large garden, for me, this year. I didn’t get as much out of it as I’d have liked. I was late with some things. The tomatoes did well, the peppers are still blooming and producing and the beans, but otherwise it wasn’t too good. I had a lot of issues this year. I have some major allergy problems and now the arthritis is REALLY kicking my tale. I don’t have much use of my right hand, and since I’m right handed that ain’t good. It’s mostly been in my feet this summer, difficult to walk, lots of swelling and pain. I used to have problems with my knees and ankles and knuckles. I was about 270 lbs and on my feet a lot. I’m a nurse and have been for about 25 years. But I finally got my thyroid under control and lost about 70 lbs and the knees and ankles and the knuckles stopped hurting. I could understand the knees and ankles, but the knuckles?? But then I broke out in a rash, itching, horrible! I couldn’t work, the patients were frightened I had shingles or something. I worked for a neurologist with a lot of MS patients and that wouldn’t be good, but I told them it wasn’t the right pattern. Anyway, I was put on unpaid medical leave and since I wasn’t working my insurance didn’t continue. It cost me almost $3000 for allergy testing etc before they isolated it. Latex with rubber and elastic. Great. DON’T let an allergist put you on a diet. It was a modified Paleo diet and I almost starved. At least I lost the weight I’d gained when they put me on steroids…. So now I’m back down around 200 lb and still need to lose another 50 lb. at least. But my right thumb is twice the size of my left and you don’t realize what all you use that thumb for until you lose it! Washing dishes is horrible. Driving is not at all fun, especially with a stick shift. My car is in the shop so I’m left with hubbies F250 which hurts like heck to shift. I’m going to another specialist today, occ med. If he can’t clear me and suggest something I’ll probably end up on disability. I HAVE learned to make bread, tho. I used to use the breadmakers and couldn’t count on it turning out but now I do it by hand, which don’t feel good either, and it almost always turns out. Two days ago I made the Texas Roadhouse Rolls and three dozen rolls were gone the next morning. Some pride in that. I’m getting better, tho, with ACV poltices and a couple of tblsp in each gallon of sweet tea I make. Which is two gallons a day for the family. Little do they know…. Wow, this got long. Anyway. Hubby won’t do anything to prep except to say until something happens he doesn’t know what to do. My daughters are with me, tho. The two eldest. The eldest is stockpiling ammo and playing with guns. The second is working with me to store extra supplies and figure how to save our cattle herd. We have about 100 acres and in the back hollar we figure we can dig in. There’s a pretty good spring, so fresh water. There’s a better spring near the houses, but that’s too near the roads. I have one of the neighbors on board. Not bad when I hadn’t heard about prepping until about six months ago… Thanks to you and all the others! I’m praying we all meet up sometime!
Patti Ann wow you have tons going on and sounds like you are dealing with your share of health issues…..I myself dealt with thryoid issues and it can be a struggle. I wish you the best of luck on the giveaway. I like a paleo diet but I do eat rice and some carbs…..I realized I could never completely give up potatoes either. I would love to meet up sometime and wow I so appreciate you taking so much time to share what is up with you here on the blog
Having used a small dehydrator for years. Now, as a new teacher, I just turn out of time and end up freezing most of my harvest. I love dehydrating for the ease of storage. Canning takes so much time. Having a tasty way to get my family to eat veggies and fruit is a plus, also.