Join Us On Our Homesteading Journey

I have such exciting news! I finally am back in business with a computer so I will be rebroadcasting all of our Survival Mom Radio Shows for your listening pleasure or at least I hope so over the next couple of months!
Join me Karen Lynn for my Premiere Show originally aired at The Survival Mom Radio Network and is now being rebroadcast from Lil’ Suburban Homestead (that’s me ;)…), Around The Cabin, and the Prepper Broadcasting Network! There were some problems with the audio on this first podcast so bear with it or if you can’t take the stuttering wait for the next one I release soon! I have over 55 + podcasts recorded at The Survival Mom and at Prepper Broadcasting Network and now I have added my Podcasts to Around The Cabin but I didn’t want to just continue on with where I was at I really wanted to start from the very beginning of our families homesteading journey with everyone who has not yet joined in on the homesteading journey with us! Today I will be sharing about how our family started on our own personal journey of homesteading and entered into a world filled with gardening, the building of their greenhouse, beekeeping, and even making better decisions about nutrition.
I have even more exciting news that once The Survival Mom Years have all been rebroadcast at Lil’ Suburban Homestead, The Prepper Broadcasting Network, and Around The Cabin I will be starting yet another podcast a series of 20 minute shows that I hope you will want to take a listen to but I can’t tell you what they will be about just yet but the good news is that you can either catch the shows here, at Around The Cabin or The Prepper Broadcasting Network wherever you prefer!
I truly do hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts The Survival Mom Series as I call them are all about 20 minutes long. But don’t forget to come by and check out my live streaming show every other Monday at 8pm Eastern on Around The Cabin this is an hour long show packed full of great information and fun plus you get to become part of the Around The Cabin community and visit in the chat room! I also have a live Radio Show every Tuesday night on The Prepper Broadcasting Network where I have some amazing guest lined up in January including Jim Cobb from Survival Weekly, Heather from the Homesteading Hippy, and Terri from Homestead Honey! It’s an exciting month up ahead and starting this Tuesday coming up I have Bonnie Rose Ward Author of Winds of Skilak, A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness!
In this episode I will introduce you to my family and share some of our personal stories of the pain of coping with illness, the excitement of the honey harvest, my love of herbs, and our initial struggles of gardening in a coastal sandy environment.
Show Resources:

I have such exciting news! I finally am back in business with a computer so I will be rebroadcasting all of our Survival Mom Radio Shows for your listening pleasure or at least I hope so over the next couple of months!
Join me Karen Lynn for my Premiere Show originally aired at The Survival Mom Radio Network and is now being rebroadcast from Lil’ Suburban Homestead (that’s me ;)…), Around The Cabin, and the Prepper Broadcasting Network! There were some problems with the audio on this first podcast so bear with it or if you can’t take the stuttering wait for the next one I release soon! I have over 55 + podcasts recorded at The Survival Mom and at Prepper Broadcasting Network and now I have added my Podcasts to Around The Cabin but I didn’t want to just continue on with where I was at I really wanted to start from the very beginning of our families homesteading journey with everyone who has not yet joined in on the homesteading journey with us! Today I will be sharing about how our family started on our own personal journey of homesteading and entered into a world filled with gardening, the building of their greenhouse, beekeeping, and even making better decisions about nutrition.
I have even more exciting news that once The Survival Mom Years have all been rebroadcast at Lil’ Suburban Homestead, The Prepper Broadcasting Network, and Around The Cabin I will be starting yet another podcast a series of 20 minute shows that I hope you will want to take a listen to but I can’t tell you what they will be about just yet but the good news is that you can either catch the shows here, at Around The Cabin or The Prepper Broadcasting Network wherever you prefer!
I truly do hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts The Survival Mom Series as I call them are all about 20 minutes long. But don’t forget to come by and check out my live streaming show every other Monday at 8pm Eastern on Around The Cabin this is an hour long show packed full of great information and fun plus you get to become part of the Around The Cabin community and visit in the chat room! I also have a live Radio Show every Tuesday night on The Prepper Broadcasting Network where I have some amazing guest lined up in January including Jim Cobb from Survival Weekly, Heather from the Homesteading Hippy, and Terri from Homestead Honey! It’s an exciting month up ahead and starting this Tuesday coming up I have Bonnie Rose Ward Author of Winds of Skilak, A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness!
In this episode I will introduce you to my family and share some of our personal stories of the pain of coping with illness, the excitement of the honey harvest, my love of herbs, and our initial struggles of gardening in a coastal sandy environment.
Show Resources: