DIY: $5.00 Burlap Vanity Chair Makeover

lil suburban homestead vanity chair makeover

Skill Level: Easy
Time: 30 minutes


Hi ya’ll!


Don’t you just love DIY projects?


I love taking something old and making it new again and often our DIY projects belong to the Viking and his amazing innovations but this one is all mine. I had purchased a roll of some laminate burlap on clearance and had a roll of it sitting in my office just waiting for the perfect project to come along.


The Viking brought this vanity chair in from his “Dumpster Diving Romps” and his first words are “You don’t want this do you? It’s all worn out and not very attractive?” At first glance I admit he was correct but upon further inspection only the fabric was worn out and the metal work didn’t even need to be painted unless I wanted to and I didn’t. Of course I let the Viking know that I did indeed have a plan for this chair and actually I had been waiting on just this very thing.

lsh the steps

Step 1 – Unscrew the seat from the vanity chair. This one only had 4 screws.
Step 2 – Remove backing on chair.
Step 3 – Remove fabric off top. To save time I used a razor knife and didn’t worry about getting all of the old staples out.
Step 4 – line up fabric under the seat top like a place mat.
Step 5  – Start stapling fabric all around don’t worry about being to neat unless you don’t like the pleating on the front if you are a perfectionist you will have to take your time with this. I’m not 😉
Step 6 – Trim the bottom if you want.
Step 7 – Line seat back up and screw it back on chair.
Step 8 – Flip it over and sit in it 🙂

 I actually am not going to be using my vanity chair in my bathroom I am going to be using it in my office when the Viking and I do pre-recorded shows for my weekly radio show which isn’t very often I need a small chair for one of us to sit on because my office isn’t very big. I also needed a place for when my daughter comes to stay in town to lay out her towels etc… I love the laminated burlap because this chair will wipe down easily and still has the look of burlap which I love! I was amazed at how the black paint that was still in good shape really popped after the old dingy fabric was removed! I love an instant gratification makeover that’s easy too!


This chair is also a perfect height for me to sit on at bed level to wrap gifts and even sort bills. I love it! I love when you find an item and then have multiple uses for it it’s just the best kind of find in my opinion. So the chair was free, I think the burlap laminate fabric was under $5.00 so I am going to get a new vanity chair for about $5.00 and a little tiny bit of labor which I can handle. All I needed was a screw driver, a flat head screwdriver and electrical pliers for staple removing, a razor, scissors, a drill, a staple gun and some fabric. It sounds like a lot but this project took me about 30 minutes give or take a few and I was able to handle this project on my own!


I have found a perfect home for this chair in my office right next to my vintage scrabble game and I love the look of it while I am not huge for fru fru I do like a simple eye-catching decor and this just project was a great way to finish off my spring vacation!



4 thoughts on “DIY: $5.00 Burlap Vanity Chair Makeover

  1. I love that those chairs are so easy to re-cover!! I did an old office chair for hubby that had nasty brown plastic on it and changed it to a nice dark green velvet type upolstry fabric. I was even able to add a layer of quilt batt I have small pieces of to the seat for extra padding. The quilt batt was handy and the piece was too small for any quilt so it used up the batting!

    1. Christine isn’t it nice when we are rewarded for holding on to a few extra items and then we are happy with our new creation I love my little chair and I’m not afraid to sit in it anymore and surprisingly it’s very sturdy 🙂

  2. I really had fun with this one and what’s really cool is that you can just paint it or cover it however your heart desires…I kept my project simple though! Thanks for your comment 🙂

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