We are so excited to be on the Coastal Cluck Coop Tour this year! Spring is in full swing in Coastal North Carolina it’s absolutely magnificent in Wilmington! The weather has been amazing (Sigh!) I just can’t even convey the beauty of this week to you and I hope the weather holds for our fabulous Annual Coastal Cluck Coop Tour!
The Viking and I can’t wait to share all the different coop designs we have tried and set ups and the one we are using right now so far is the best I love it! I will share our specific set up with all of you next week but I want folks that are on The Coastal Cluck Coop Tour to come by and check it out! Another thing we are doing is asking for a canned food item to be left at one of your coop stops so the food can be donated to the hungry isn’t that a wonderful thing!
Currently at our lil’ homestead we have a buff orpington, a barred rock, a rhode island red, and an americauna so we are excited for people to check out the breeds we are raising and of course they can check out our colonial raised bed gardens, our upcyled greenhouse on a budget, and ask beekeeping questions too. This year we won’t replace our bees until some time in June we suffered some hard beekeeping losses this past winter. The chickens are anticipating visitors they know we are having company because I put fresh hay in their coop
We have worked hard to create an edible garden as well. We have fig trees, an almond tree, a peach tree, a mulberry tree, raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry bushes and tons of jerusalem artichokes all in a 1/3 of an acre and we could do so much more if we had more time but I try to remind everyone we both work full-time, have a Senior still at home, we spent the entire last year helping him to get recruited, and I also have a weekly radio show on the Prepper Broadcasting Network and a monthly live streaming show on Around The Cabin! Go check them out! If you are in the area be sure to stop by and visit!
I wish you all a beautiful week….until next time!
2 thoughts on “We are on the Coastal Cluck Coop Tour”
So wish I was close enough for a visit!!!
Christine that would be so much fun! I will do a blog post of the day’s events