$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Preparedness Is For Everyone

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Preparedness Is For Everyone

what is your disaster plan?

Alot of us forget about our animals during an emergency but they are important…the Viking and I have our dog River who means the world to us, we have the chickens, and the bees we need to have a plan for all of them within reason of course. River is the top dog so he gets top priority. Here is a link to read all about planning for your animals in an emergency click here!

Our dog River is coming with us in an emergency for sure….our neighbors and us look after each others dogs and help each other so I strongly recommend that you are making neighborly connections. Does your dog wear a dog tag? I feel like dog tags are so important so if someone finds your dog they will know he or she belongs to you. What about your cat do you have plans for your cat or other pets?

Here is a wonderful Public Service Announcement to remind us that preparedness is for everyone…take the time to watch it…it’s good!

I have many radio shows that I have recorded that talk about how you can become more prepared in a disaster…check them out here for more great info!

Are You Prepared For An Urban Emergency? with Author Jim Cobb

Everyday Emergency Carry Kit

The Survival Savvy Family with Author/Blogger Julie Sczerbinski

The Survival Mom Weighs In On Facing An Uncertain Future with Author/Blogger/Radio Show Host Lisa Bedford

Knowing Primitive Skills with Live Radio Streaming Host Larry Roberts

There are a lot more shows, information, and interviews of mine click here!

Some of my favorite blog posts I have written on being prepared:

Tips 1-3 on Preparing For An Emergency

Tips 4-6 on Preparing For An Emergency

Suburban Off Grid Cooking with the Solar Oven

Wishing you all the best of luck!



4 thoughts on “$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Preparedness Is For Everyone

  1. Hi Karen Lynn! Great post! I’m thankful for people like you who care enough about others to share with them about preparedness! There are so many people who never think about it! The tips about pets and animals is so helpful! I need to do the same for my animals! Thanks for sharing and have a great day! Blessings from Bama!

  2. . Wow, prize amazon gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

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