Why Super Salads Are My New Thing
Happy Sunday Ya’ll! The weeks are flying by as we head towards Thanksgiving in the US and the holiday (click here for 90+ gluten free holiday recipes) season! I guess I should be writing more about the holidays these days but my heart is on eating for good health right now and why it’s so important to maintain our health and with my health history that should come as no surprise to those of you that read my blog on a regular basis. It is important to eat local but in the late fall, winter, and early Spring I am kind of glad that we have access to farm fresh foods in Florida and California. Is it sustainable? No, of course not, at least not always but my body needs fresh, healthy, and vibrant food to stay strong and keep lots of energy in my blood stream. Most of us are eating a “dead diet” let’s face it – full of hydrogenated fats and white flour…..your body just doesn’t need it. Don’t get me wrong I am having apple and probably even pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving but I’m not eating it every day….Moderation is truly key!
I am going to share two super salad recipes that just graced our table recently to inspire you and maybe you will decide Super Salads are your new thing too. We also are taking our shift from meat being the primary focus of our meals to our secondary focus and yes this is kind of strange for this “paleo lovin’ gal” to say but truly paleo is not all about eating huge hunks of meat it’s about not eating a bunch of grains and white flours etc…. surprisingly I am adding some new grains to our diet one is called “Forbidden Rice” which is supposed to have amazing health benefits. I am not going to be all or nothing about anyone food group however if you were going to give up any food groups wheat and dairy would be the way to go.

Two of my healthy living goals going forward are; and one of them is really scary and I’m not sure I can do it but I am going to try to change the creamer out in my morning cup of coffee to almond milk of course this will be a big change and I am very addicted to my morning cup of coffee. I am also going to start juicing faithfully – we have a juicer on the counter but I have been hit or miss with juicing and I feel like it’s time to make a commitment to it and sometimes juicing makes me a little nauseous and if you wonder why this is well when you pour fresh real organic juice into a body that’s been eating too main stream it can become a little overwhelming to your body so I’m going to start slow.
So Why Super Salads Are My New Thing
We need more macro-nutrients in our diets.
We need to eat less red meat in general.
We need to add more powerful anti-oxidants in our diet.
The Viking and I both feel better eating a lighter dinner in the evening.
Our bodies thrive on fresh raw foods and are craving it.
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