We Don’t Just Grow Vegetables & Spring Musings
Just a note: All of these flowers photographed are flowers that are on our Lil’ Suburban Homestead I so hope you enjoy them!
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Easter and Happy Spring to all of my friends…I am so excited to spend time in the garden today and appreciate this beautiful season of Spring. You all know how passionate we are about growing our own food but I want to stress to all of you we don’t just grow vegetables although I absolutely love to eat and grow our veggies! Here are some of my Spring Musings and yes I love flowers too they are good for the soul…Whether you celebrate Easter or not today I think we can all agree if you are alive and reading this entry that life is worth celebrating and I think about that a lot this time of year. My son and I were talking this week about holidays and how they mean different things to different people and even spiritual holidays often do as well. I have many friends who don’t celebrate the religious holiday of Easter but they do appreciate the pagan origins of Easter. I know I have lots of folks who read my blog from different perspectives and religions and I just want you to know that I believe you should celebrate this day how you best see fit for your journey.
I have spent a lot of time in the garden since the time change thankfully. I get home everyday around 5:30pm during the week I get to get out in the yard and soak up the beautiful smells the feeling of the earth, and the outside sun on my face ever so briefly and it just helps me to be a more centered person and happier too…..best medicine ever! This is me so happy in the garden….we all need to find a piece of this in life which equates to peace doesn’t it?
This Easter our family opted to do away with Easter Baskets loaded with chocolate goodies and corn syrup and instead we are going to brunch at a restaurant known locally for their “Farm To Table” style of cooking and the Chef’s know their business so we will be going to RX Restaurant and Bar….I am so excited! The only thing better than eating from Farm To Table at home is having experienced award winning Chef’s cook for you LOL!
The azaleas on our homestead are just gorgeous this time of year, so I took some photos of the flowers and beauty on our homestead even our real Easter Basket filled with eggs actually we just found where our Americauna who we thought was slacking was laying all of her eggs and luckily they were all in a cool dry place so we did not have to have them go to waste! It’s not April fools Day yet but she was sure fooling me!
We planted over 160 seedlings most of which were vegetables so even though they are huge emphasis for us to supplement our diet I want to share on our property we have our solo almond tree, a mulberry tree, a peach tree, several grape vines, 3 pear trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes, blackberry bushes, one orange tree, one kumquat tree, a pomegrante tree, eldeberberry, and that doesn’t even finish to cover the fruit portion LOL! I just can’t remember all we have growing…
We also have a bunch of aloe, a bay laurel tree, tons of azalea bushes, a salvia plant, a beautiful hibiscus and a lovely gardenia plant we just procured. We have rosebushes all over the place…we even added a new edible rose bush last year and I am planting and slowly adding more edible flowers to our homestead!
All this beauty means that someone is working hard behind the scenes…..I collected over 4 wheel barrows full of pine cones (actually stacked up a lot higher than that) this past week and dragged all sorts of branches and other yard debris to the fire pit out back….hey someone’s gotta’ do it right? Even in the arduous task of all that work I appreciated the beauty all around me and it gave me lots of times to not only think about our Spring plans but also about adding more edible flowers such as yummy nasturtium, plants, and of course more vegetables to the homestead ha ha!
This was such a fun post for me to write about and share about all the beauty that surrounds us on this beautiful Easter Sunday! I am grateful for your readership and I wish for you a beautiful Spring ahead!
I wish you all a beautiful week! Until next time…..
And soon your cleomes should return.
Yes right around the corner Mom
Can’t wait they are so beautiful….I should plant some more just in case they don’t all come up!
Your flowers look lovely!! It will be a while before we see anything much for flowers around here but the pot of spring bulbs my daughter got me last year is doing very well. I just left it on the table outside last summer and kept it in the garage over winter. Brought it out a couple of weeks ago and it is looking awesome!! No flower buds yet but lots of leaves growing madly!! The pot f chives is growing nicely and my Naked Ladies have lots of leaves so there should be a good supply of flowers come fall!! Enjoy your garden and Happy Easter to you and The Viking!!
Christine I hope you and your family had a lovely Easter….you will have flowers before you know it! Tell me more about your Naked Ladies what kind of flower are they? The Viking, my son, and I had a wonderful day…..great memories!
Hi Karen!
Happy Easter evening to you! Love your garden post! It IS fun to do garden clean-up ~ I know how you feel about that. It’s just good to be outside and breathing God’s fresh air!!!
Enjoy the rest of your evening,
Barbara I do so love being outside on a beautiful spring evening or anytime for that matter and seeing how quickly it all comes together and being surrounded by the beauty!