Local Focal Farm Feature: Lizzy Lou’s Farm

I want people to know that we are a sustainable healthy farm. We grow healthy food and part of our mission is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our farm works as a circle.
You want to come visit a farm with us? Our small farms are so important and I believe that is where our long-term future with food is for good health and sustainability!
Yes we are incorporating a local farm feature to our blog and I decided to make it sound snappy so it is called the ” Local Focal Farm Feature” …..has a nice ring to it huh? I am so excited to share that we are kicking this feature off with Elizabeth at Lizzy Lou’s Family Farm!
I asked Elizabeth at Lizzy Lou’s Farm if we could feature her farm and she made my day by saying yes and well we finally got our schedules aligned and made it happen. I first met Elizabeth at the local arboretum while she was sharing with her folks about her family farm. I was immediately drawn in by her infectious smile and a thoughtful conversation continued between her, The Viking in my life and myself. We discussed ideas about farming and I mentioned to her that I would love to feature her on my blog and or podcast or both and she warmly agreed which I was quite pleased with myself just knowing this had to do with my charm and as we walked away my husband said to me ” You know who she is right?” and I promptly responded, “Yes she’s a farmer I am so excited to meet her!” and he said, “No it’s Lizzy Lou she’s got some great stuff going on at her farm!”….This intrigued me so I immediately followed Elizabeth on Instagram I mean I had to find out more about this lady who loves to share about what her farms up to and is quick to share about responsible and thoughtful farming practices.

The day came I could not wait to get out to her farm but since I have to now eat gluten-free I had to make sure I made a big breakfast at home before heading out to the country. It was a pleasant drive and Elizabeth’s directions were meticulous; not surprising spending a day interviewing her and you realize Elizabeth’s intelligent eyes reveal a strength, a resolve, a capability in her which one must have to join in on the farming industry competing with the big giants in the market place and of course being a sustainable farmer is not an inexpensive proposition.
Lizzy Lou’s Farm is unique because it is truly a family farm involving her parents, her husband, nieces,nephews, and even her brothers. They keep those traditional family values such as “all hands on deck” when they are raising an outbuilding and or family get togethers. I asked Elizabeth how she felt about the impact of living on a farm was on her family as everyone knows farming is hard work to which her response was “My niece is learning life lessons on the farm, sometime we lose a chick and she asks about how the chickens are each day. She is learning the real seasons on the farm.” Lizzy Lou’s Farm is a working farm so I admit I was fortunate that I got to visit and photograph Elizabeth and the farm…the Viking was thrilled but I am trying to share a ton of pics so you get a feel for the place and Elizabeth’s heart for her farm animals and her gardens.

They have lots going on at the farm and we were given a whirlwind tour but I remember lots of gorgeous vegetables, beautiful herbs, bees buzzing by and well quite frankly I just felt right at home. There is a welcoming life force at this farm.
Elizabeth shares publicly that she eats for health as she faces her own Auto-Immune disease on her posts via social media and she shared with me that “Food is medicine, it’s all about healing your gut!”. They don’t just grown healthy food for others it is their life blood. I don’t know about you but I like the idea of supplementing my diet with someone who is that caring and passionate about food and what they are growing. Speaking of supplementing my diet Lizzy Lou’s Farm has a CSA that you can join in and I am seriously considering doing it this year…..with as much food as the Viking and I grow we just can’t grow enough. Eating Gluten-Free for me requires me shift to eat more produce and that’s a good thing because a wondrous thing happens when you eat real, live, fresh food and you know what that is right? You feel better. Click here to find out more about her CSA. Please keep in mind space is limited so once it’s full it’s full.

If you would like to see lots more farm photos of Lizzy Lou’s Family Farm Click on the slideshow below:
Future plans for the farm include adding two greenhouses and a harvest room. They are looking at adding mushrooms and even considering working with mushrooms for remediation work for run-off. For Elizabeth and her family the farm is not just about growing food, it is a family affair where food is medicine and they are carving out their futures and they have a passion for growing fresh, whole food! I for one look forward to watching their innovation continue on their small scale family farm. Cheers to healthy food for the future and I am inspired to ramp up our own efforts on suburban homestead.
I will have another new “Local Focal Farm Feature” coming soon…I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into the life of a real working farmer and farm!
I wish you all a beautiful week…until next time!
Elizabeth is the most exceptional woman in my generation that I have ever met. A glowing human being and the ultimate role model. Thank you so very much for featuring her! In the 2 years we’ve know each other, her farm has more than tripled in diversity of animals and plants, each one brought to the farm with purpose, and each one equally nurtured and respected.
She overcomes so many obstacles without breaking a sweat, and never have I known someone more passionate about the long lasting effects of hard work and philosophical execution.
Xoxoxoxo Kristin Williams
I agree Kristin! I think she’s pretty awesome! Thank you for sharing and stopping by!