Kohlrabi, Ham, and Mushroom Frittata with Chervil

I never would have thought to take a root type tasting vegetable like kohlrabi and put it together with eggs in a frittata but I thought I love roasted radishes so I thought it might be similar. I don’t know about all of you but we are into our second CSA basket already and this is the time of year where you will get kohlrabi in your CSA basket and if you garden as well chances are like me you will also have some growing in your garden! So I thought wouldn’t it be cool if I could come up with some clever ways to use this easy to grow vegetable kohlrabi, and well I thought I love ham, mushrooms, eggs, and cheese so why not make a frittata! Be on the look out for more kohlrabi recipes as I am really loving this new to my garden, easy to grow vegetable.
If you have not had chervil before it tastes just a bit like licorice so you want to use just a lil’ bit of it literally and I must say it lends incredible flavor with the kolhrabi! Chervil is a new addition to our herb garden and I’m hooked so you will see more of this in my recipes too!
Great ideas don’t always turn out but in this case this one did so I want to share the recipe with all of you:

Kohlrabi, Ham, and Mushroom Frittata with Chervil
6 eggs
2 tsp. butter
1/2 C. shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese
1 C. mixed mushrooms chopped
6 slices of uncured ham chopped
1/2 of a peeled and diced kohlrabi (I saved the other half to toss in a salad)
1 bunch chervil

Before you get your pan ready peel and chop up your kohlrabi (this is not for the faint of heart LOL!)
Heat up your non stick skillet
Melt 2 tsp. butter
While that is melting go ahead and chop your ham and mushrooms
Place kohlrabi into the sizzling butter
Add the mushrooms and ham
crack the six eggs and whip them up
Pour over all the ingredients which should have cooked up some in the butter (the kohlrabi should have very faintly brown edges)
Place eggs in make sure to cover all of the ingredients and salt and pepper to taste
Sprinkle 1/4 C. of the shredded cheese on top
Sprinkle your chervil around the top of it
Cook for about 5 minutes on one side
Flip the fritatta and this is risky
Once you flip the fritatta sprinkle the other side with cheese and chervil
Place a lid on it and let it cook slow for about 5 to 10 minutes depending on your stove
The Viking and I had leftovers so I brought it in two days this week for breakfast; it really re-heats beautifully!
I wish you all a beautiful week…Until next time!